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"Oh my goodness my stomach is killing me." Tae said.

Jin asked "What's going on?"

Tae said "My stomach hurts to much."

Rm said "You must of ate something bad."

Jin said "Let me get you some medication."

Jimin said "You always eating things you shouldn't be eating."

Tae winced in pain and Jin came back.

Rm said "Just stay here on the couch. We'll be back later with answers to all of this."

Tae nodded in pain. J-hope gave me a phone and a gun.

"Just in case you need it." He said.

I grabbed them and I wanted to call Matty so bad. I just wanted her to believe in me and just love me like the good old days.

Jungkook said "If you want to go then go."

"Really?" I asked surprised.

Rm said "It's best if you stay out of the other gangs eyes or you'll be a target again."

Jimin gave me a wig and some sunglasses.

"I'm sure you won't get caught." Jin said.

J-hope said "Just call us or hide out."

I left to go find Matty and the rest of the guys went to go find Jonathan.

"Jonathan" J-hope said.

Jonathan was gambling and looked straight at them.

"Who are you? What do you need?" He asked really aggressively.

Jin said "We just came to ask you something."

He quickly took out his gun and said "Get out!"

Jimin, Jin, J-hope, Rm, and Jungkook took out there guns too.

Jungkook said "We come in peace. We aren't trying to start anything. We just want your help."

Jonathan said "I don't want nothing to deal with any of you."

Rm said "We came here to see if you know anything about Woozi's death."

Jonathan gazed at them all and asked "I was attacked last night because of this?"

J-hope said "We haven't attacked anyone."

Jonathan said "He must know you guys know about me knowing."

Jin asked "You know who it was?"

Jonathan nodded and put his gun down. Everyone else did too.

Jonathan said "I know how he looks like but I don't know his name. Woozi had just met him and things got complicated."

Jimin asked "How? Didn't he always pay for the merchandise up front?"

Jonathan said "It wasn't over any of that stuff."

Police Or Mafia [MIN YOONGI]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें