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I tried to get off the bed to go to the restroom but that didn't end well.

"Poe! What are you doing?!" Yoongi asked as he rushed to help me.

He helped me up and I said very upset "I can barely feel my legs."

"You will later on. Just warm up your legs." He said as he moved his legs like if he was jogging.

I held onto him as I tried to move my feet slowly.

"Where do you want to go? Want water?" He asked looking down at my feet.

"I need to pee." I said kind of mad.

"I'll walk you over there and help you." He said very serious.

I laughed and said "No, I got this."

Yoongi sighed and asked "Why you so stubborn? I'll turn around."

I rolled my eyes as we made it to the toilet and he turned around. I felt like I jogged a few miles when I sat on the toilet seat. He walked me to the sink so that I would wash my hands.

"I can't walk anymore. My feet are killing me. I'm sorry." I said as my voice cracked cause I felt very sad.

"Don't worry. I'll carry you. Hold onto me." He said.

I could barely hold onto him or feel his shirt. He sat me down and he looked at my clothes.

"I think you should change. I'll help you." He said.

I looked at him and asked "I already told you no. You trying to see me or what?"

He laughed and said "No, I just would be very uncomfortable in that shitty uniform."

"Wow, thanks." I said.

He smiled and I said "I can get my clothes Jungkook bought me."

Yoongi said "We burned the house down."

I stared at him and tried to process his words.

"Then what are you trying to offer me? To be naked?" I asked very concerned.

He took off his shirt and said "You can wear-"

"No." I said as I tried to get up but he stopped me.

"Where you trying to go, now?" He asked as he held his shirt in his hand.

"I'm trying to get myself some water." I said.

He grabbed my hand and put his shirt in mine.

"Put it on and I'll go get you your water." He said before letting me speak. I rolled my eyes but I was uncomfortable. Some beans were on the side of my pants. I remember how I tried to wipe off the burning sensation off my hand. I got the chills and shaked the flashback away. I closed my eyes for a second before trying to get up again. I put the shirt down before I stood up slowly as I held onto his bed. I waited a few seconds to get used to my balance before I tried to take my shirt off. However, I couldn't feel the texture of my shirt and when I did. My fingers began to shake and it felt very nasty. I was disgusted in how my hands were reacting and disappointed in myself. Yoongi knocked on the door and I said "Come in."

Police Or Mafia [MIN YOONGI]Where stories live. Discover now