Chapter 8 : Buccaneers Entity(Part 1)

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The room was about three lengths of my arm span, including the closet. The floors were obviously made of wood and creaked whenever stepped on. To the left of the door is a leather chair and on the right end a small one-person bed. I could see few daggers and swords hanging on the wooden walls. Everything present there was giving a pirate vibe ofcourse.

Janet opened the closet and took out some old fashioned dress and handed it to me.

"Rosy, please wear those. I'm sure you will love them." She said with a beautiful smile.

Do I have any option? Ofcourse not.

"Yeah sure, thanks for this. I'll change and join you."

"Ok, I'll wait. I'll introduce you to others here." She waved and closed the door

I changed my clothes and came out of the room to find Eric standing with his spyglass.

"Wow!! You look beautiful indeed."

"Oh .. umm.. thank you" I replied shyly

"There you are. Look at you!! You are looking stunning. Come lets meet the crew members too." Janet stepped in.

I took Eric's permission and we moved to the 'other pirates'.

"Hey girl.. stop there" somebody called for us.
We turned back to find another middle aged man coming towards me.

"Hi, I'm Oliver. I'm the quartermaster. I'm ordered to keep an eye on you by Eric's father. As Eric has already accepted you as a guest, here take this to be a part of us."

Oliver flipped something through the air and I reached out my hand to catch it. It's a pirate medallion.

"Wear it around your neck. From now on as you have also become a part of our community. This will show your identity to others." Oliver continued.

"You have to impress the crew members now. If you want them to accept you then you'll have to learn our ways. Can you do it?" Eric joined the conversation.

Touching that silly pendant landed me here and that thing is my ticket back to future.... and spending my time on this deck will help me to get back that thing for sure.

"Err... Yeah. I'll do anything to win your hearts."

"Let's go then. Time to meet some important people and prove yourself." Eric replied

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