Chapter 12 : The Pirate Party

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Janet and I have started to fill everyone's glass and the pirates started to relax themselves.

Few of them started to sing songs in this quite night, soft and loud. Never heard such things in real. This was certainly too good to believe. After a while another few started to dance and others were clapping and beating the wooden tumblers for music. I closed my eyes and let this music and vibe pass over to me.

Suddenly I remembered about the pendant. How foolish of me to get drawn away. I need to get back as soon as possible. I cannot rest.

I looked behind to see if everyone was busy and satisfied that all are occupied with the rum. I started to search everywhere. Starting from my cabin to every corner of the ship.

The pendant was nowhere to be found. I search for a very long time. It was actually difficult under this dim moon light but I can't make it an excuse. I kept looking for it but alas!! No luck.

"Are you looking for something Miss Rosy?" The voice of Eric strangled me.

"Oh Eric, it's you. Yes, it's my pendant. The only source of returning home. I lost it somewhere here and now it's no where to be found."

"Honestly I don't want to believe you but now I'm sure you cannot lie for so long. I hope the pendant had not been lost yet because this is a ship and there are high chances of loosing it into the water below". His words came like a fire to me. Burning me from inside.

"So that means I'm forever trapped here?" I started to cry.

"Relax Rosy. I said there could be a chance like that. Don't loose hope. I'm sure we will find your pendant soon"

I hugged him and suddenly a loud noise of the pirates echoed through the ship. Laughing and singing.

"I need to join them otherwise they would think I'm too arrogant to ignore drinking with the crew. See you soon." Eric ran towards them.

There comes the final round and everyone raises their glass in unison.

"To our new friend and guest Rosy."

The glasses meet and I stood there smiling. Even though I'm disappointed for not able to find my pendant but to experience this thing was beyond imagination. I feel different. Eric winked at me far from the corner. I think I started to like it here and also Eric.

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