A New Guard

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"Princess Canada." A knock was heard waking her up.

Canada stretched for a second yawning before replying. "Yes Claudia?"

"Your Father wishes to see you this afternoon. There's rumours you have a new guard."

"I'm sure I'll scare him off within a week. I'm surprised he got anyone to take the job."

"I know I say this every time but please give him a chance."

"You know how I feel about Men. My record for chasing one off is 5 hours. If he can last longer than that maybe."

"Thank You Princess Canada. Lynda will bring your food in about 5 minutes."

Canada got up and stretched. She looked at her hair she had cut again. She knew the back was crooked but that was okay. She smiled at the mirror and ran her fingers through her hair. "Hah. Rebellious." It looked good. Half shaven and short, the other half to her shoulder. She had let that side grow out but kept shaving the other side. No one could find the razor she had hidden. She loved it.

She quickly got dressed after smiling at her haircut. They weren't gonna let her go back into the media's eyes until her hair had grown out and was even. Sadly they still made her wear her fancy annoying dresses.

There was a knock at her door. "Princess Canada, Your breakfast is here." Canada went and opened the door smiling.

"Thanks Lydia. I heard my dad found me a new guard. Bet he'll last any longer than the last one?"

"You know I won't bet on something like that Princess Canada."

"Aww, You're no fun."

"I'm just doing my job Princess Canada. Please take your food."

Canada takes it. "Well, I won't snitch if you gossip to me. You're one of the few people I can talk to."

"I'm here to do my job, nothing more Princess Canada. Have a good day." Lydia walked away and Canada closed her door.

"Great. Now I have no one to talk to until Dad summons me in, I dunno, Like. 4 hours. And he got the servants to hide my schoolwork in my breakfast tray again."

Canada got back to work on her schoolwork. Not like there was anything else she could do. Heck, her Books got confiscated after she wasn't doing her work and reading them instead. And her journals. She had nothing but schoolwork she could do so she did it out of boredom.

As expected about 4 hours later Canada got called by a maid she hadn't seen before to go see the King. Her father.

Canada stood with her arms crossed trying to be as unladylike as she could with her being terrified of him. Fear made her stand straighter and taller. "What do you want father?"

"I would like you to meet your new guard Russia." He motioned to the guard next to him. Canada had never seen him before yet, something seemed off. They didn't have the same demeanor but Canada still didn't trust him. "Please be nice to him, you need a guard to protect you."

"I promise I'll be kind for today. After that I'll treat him the way I want to. You can't force me to be nice." Canada's arms were still crossed and Britain just let out a sigh.

"We can't keep finding new people for you to hurt Canada. He is supposed to protect you."

"Well, I haven't felt protected or safe around a man since you know what."

"And I feel guilty about it every day. Give him a chance. Not all men are the same."

"I told you, I'm giving him today to change my mind, though I doubt he will. What did you say his name was, Russia?"

"Yes. He will accompany you everywhere and make sure you aren't cutting your hair anymore."

"Fine father." That last line was clearly forced and Canada clenched one of her hands. "Let's go Russia." Canada left, the sound of her heels clicking angrily under her dress. One fist clenched and the other forced open and a ridged straight back.

When they were out of earshot she took a few deep breathes and relaxed. She turnes around to face Russia. "I suppose I can be nice to you. I finished my schoolwork where would you like to go?"

"Wherever you would Princess Canada." Russia answered swiftly.

"Wow, like I haven't heard that one before. Now you expect me to go, Oh, I'll just go to my room where all my stuff is. That's not happening. You have a mind of your own, please use it." Canada was very snarky and sarcastic.

"My job is to go wherever you wish Princess Canada." Russia didn't even flinch at Canada's tone.

"And my wish is to go where you want to." She smirks, "Use that brain of yours. I know you want to go somewhere."

Russia stays silent. "Alright I guess you don't have a brain Russia. Maybe that's what makes you so 'different' to everyone else. Let's go to the library, I have done my schoolwork and I haven't been allowed there in ages."

"As you wish Princess Canada."

Canada opened the doors of the Library causing Russia to briefly show surprise in his eyes before quickly going back to his monotone expression. Canada missed that momentary lapse and turned. "Wow, you're hard to please. This is the library, clearly from all the books. What kind of books do you like?"

Russia stayed silent. "You seem like the kind of person to read books Russia. I want to know what type of books you like to read." Russia still wouldn't respond. "If you won't respond today I guess I'll go read a book to myself and make you bored until you have to tell me what kinda books you like." She then walked away quickly towards the nonfiction section.

Russia continued following a little bit away from Canada silently. Canada pulled out a large encyclopedia like book on psychology with a bookmark in it. She read it with great interest. Russia stood, kinda bored but was trained for situations like this and simply stood, waiting for the princess to be done.

It was several hours later when Canada finally got up having read a good section of the book. "When do you get off duty?"

"At about 10, your bedtime. Later if you are up for longer." Russia replied quickly.

"Good to know. Let's go to the garden." Canada then sped off to the garden. Her heels barely making any noise against the floors.

AN/ The Keys to the Princesses Heart will update at least once a week. The story is all written out and the only thing currently going on is the editing process.

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