The Moon Queen

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A month of Canada reading and walking and generally ignoring Russia for the most part left Russia to be one of the longest Guards she had had. 

Russia stays silent. "I'm trying to be nice to you. Have you never read a book?" Russia slowly shakes his head. "Alright, I'm going to read you my favorite book." Canada walks off quickly, her heels echoing on the tile floor, Russia following a few paces behind, silent.

Canada took out a book. Compared to most books this one had clearly been read a lot. While gently used the spine was cracked and bent from a lot of opening and closing and re-reading. "This is the Moon Queen. And you have to promise not to tell anyone I have it since it was banned."

Russia nods. "No, say that you promise not to tell anyone at all that I have this book."

"I." Russia pauses before making their voice lower. "I promise not to tell anyone that I have this book." Canada pauses. They almost sounded like a woman at first. A woman with a kinda deep voice but a woman. She put her guard up even higher than before.

"Good. Now let me start this story..."

She opened the first page with a slick crack. "Once the gods were powerful and they walked among the mortal folk. But this is no longer, the stories of the gods are mere legends, few villages continuing the traditions of their ancestors, and even fewer who believed in them. There have been somewhat more substantial, but still laughable stories of a Goddess going from town to town, trying to find someone. And yet she does. The goddess Luna of the moon, lands in one of the few towns still remembering the tradition and everyone wants to bring her a gift.
Brigitte is carrying a sword to the goddess, she kneels down in front of her. "Wow! What a beautiful Sword!" The goddess exclaims, taking out her current one and stabbing it into the earth to take the new one as gods and goddesses did when they found something new to replace the old. "Did you make this?"
Brigitte slowly nods her head. "Only the engravings. My father made the sword." She was afraid of what would happen to her if she told the full truth. Metalworking is not a womanly skill after all.
"You are very talented girl. I know gods who can't make something half as good as this. What is your name?"
"Brigitte, Ma'am." 
"Can I look at your shop Brigitte? I would like to tell your father just how talented you are."
"Of course Ma'am. Right this way." Brigitte walked towards her father's shop and the goddess floated behind her.
"Father, this is the Moon Goddess." Brigitte introduced her to him and he got up and bowed.
"It's an honor-"

Canada bursts out laughing at the voice she made for him. Russia almost dropped his guard and laughed but stopped and moved his face back to a monotone, emotionless face. "Russia, are you enjoying this?"

"As long as you enjoy this my emotions do not matter Princess Canada." Russia replied.

"But you're making it really difficult to be nice to you." Canada narrowed her eyes at him.

"Would you like me to say yes?" Russia continued showing no emotion or change in his voice although was interested by why Canada liked this simple book so much.

"I would like you to give me your honest opinion." Canada was getting annoyed.

"That does not matter Princess Canada."

"As your Princess I order you to tell me your opinion." Canada crossed her arms with her book.

"I believe it is a good book." It was true, he liked the lack of romance and the way the story was written, also wanting to find more clues about Canada's past in it. She didn't  seem like the type of person to murder another after all.

"And you aren't saying that to be nice?" Canada was being very protective over her book, giving away nothing and being defensive.

"Of course not Princess Canada."

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