The Morning After

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Canada woke up. She acted like nothing had happened. But something in her had snapped. Russia could tell. So did Claudia. She no longer got mad when she talked to her father and no longer snuck out. She did her schoolwork and stayed in her room quietly. She even grew out her hair for the media to see. 

Canada's will had broken. 

She wouldn't talk to Russia anymore, staying silent and putting on a fake smile for the media when needed but otherwise staying in her room quietly. She would just ask for people to leave and everyone was getting worried for her. Russia actually snuck out a few times to ask Canada's true friends what to do to help her and they were all puzzled. She had always had a strong fiery spirit who wasn't afraid of a challenge. It was gone.

A year passed. Canada refused any help and King Britain did nothing to help her. One day when Claudia was giving Canada her breakfast Canada wasn't there. She had disappeared without a trace.

Russia asked around. Nothing. No one knew where she was. There was no sign of a struggle. In fact it looked like she had chosen to do it. There was a bunch of shaved off hair. She must have done it herself and there was a razor on top of the hair. 

No one had seen her and a week later the gay club she kept alive was raided. Many people were arrested on many various charges. King Britain made being Gay illegal again. Russia was fired for failing his one job but rather than killing him, Britain decided to simply make him live with his failure. No one would hire him. Except one person.

Russia went back home. He worked in his mothers Flower shop.

5 Years Later

Russia wrapped up a flower arrangement for a person. It had a carnation which Russia now tried to ignore their hate of the flower. It was pretty but reminded them of why they were here. Canada.

"That will be 5-" they looked at the hooded figure and paused.

"5 what?"

"Oh sorry I thought I recognized you as an old friend. It will be 5 euros."

"Here you go," The person put the money on the counter and winked before taking the flowers and started to walk out of the shop.

"Um wait. Did you ever know someone called Russia?"

The figure paused. "Yes but I know I killed them."

"Luna?" Russka asked hopefully.

The figure turned around almost on attack. "Where did you hear that?" Their voice was almost angry and accusatory.

"About 6 years ago I met someone who used that as an Alias for their real name. They disappeared a year later." Russia sounded sad, they knew it couldn't be her.

"R-russia?" The voice was so full of hope and it made Russia smile at her.

"It's me Canada." They smiled at each other.

"I didn't recognize you at all. You're a woman?"

"Yes. I cross-dressed like you. It was very weird. That was my secret."

Canada walked up to Russia and spoke into her ear. "Come with me. You can get your job back."

"Canada I couldn't, It's been years." Russia looked away from Canada. Old feelings of interest in the smaller country coming back.

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