The Keys to the Princesses Heart

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The next morning Russia requested a short trip to that Summer house and off she went. "Hmm Not in this room. Not in this room." Finally she was left with Canada's room. Russia opened it to find another box sitting on a journal on her bed. Russia recognized this journal. It was one she was writing in back when she had gone to say sorry to her. But she couldn't look in it. Even though they were equals now she wouldn't be able to snoop. Instead she opened the box and unwrapped a beautiful blue key.

It was semi clear and a beautiful light blue. The end looked like waterand when compared to the others was in-between them in size.

Petals falling through the sky
Why did you make me cry?

The next day Russia went to visit her mother. "Did someone drop off a key?"

"A few days ago someone did but you have to give me the password." Russia mother smiles at her.

"Alright. A flower here a flower there, Hidden well but hidden Where?"

"Yep that's it."

"Oh and mom I have a question."

"Yes Russ?"

"What flower means death?"

"There are a lot. May I ask why? It may help me narrow it down."

"Well, I'm supposed to meet her in the gardens and it talked about a deathday."

"How do you not know this? My own Daughter forgetting. She's talking about Poppies. We use them to commemorate all that were lost in big wars. So many were lost or killed and we remember them with Poppies."

"Oooh. That makes sense."

"Yes. Now I'm gonna get your key. Just saying, she's a good person and youshould consider her words."

"Okay?"Russia's mom gave her the box.

"Just, keep an open mind." Russia's mom winked. "Now shoo before I put you to work, you have more keys to find."

Russia left the store more confused than she entered. "Now I really wanna know what Canada is gonna ask me." Russia walked back towards the Palace. I wonder what this key looks like.

When Russia opened thebox. The key Sitting inside was a beautiful green with a red flower on the end. It was the smallest key. Quite a bit shorter than the 4th key. This was the 5th key. Only one more left. I can get it tonight.

To the Gay Bar.

Russia went to the gay bar and went to find Netherlands. Several people pointed her in the right direction and finally Russia found her. "Netherlands." She turned around confused. "It's me. Russia."

"You can just call me Neth Sugar."

"Oh right. Hi Neth."

"It's good to see you again Russia. I'm glad you're showing yourself in theway you want to."

"It's good to be back. Um. There's a Key I'm looking for."

"Ah.You. You're the person. You better treat Canada right."

"Of course I will. But why does everyone keep saying that?"

"It doesn't matter you'll find out soon. The key is this way."

"Thanks Neth. No matter how strange you are."

"Oh come on I'm not that weird. You'll understand in time."

"Okay." Russia followed Neth over to some lockers and Neth opened one and handed her a beautiful, key. It was a dark golden colour of maplesyrup with a maple leaf on the end.

"Hereyou go Sugar. How many keys do you have left?"

"This was the last one."

"And I told her you would take less than a week. Listen. Have you figured out where to meet her?"

"I don't know where exactly yet but I know where the flowers are and I was gonna find them tomorrow."

"Good. I'll get in touch with her and meet her there in two days okay."

"Okay Neth."

"Just wondering, how do you think of Prince Maple?"

"A good friend."

"Nothing more?"

"No. I haven't found any woman that has struck my fancy just yet. I was thinking of trying to find a relationship soon."

Neth seemed to get a little sad. "I see. Well, be kind to Canada. It's the least you can do."

"Of course! Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"You'll find out soon. I'll get her to the spot tomorrow."

"Is she at your house?"

"Yes but she doesn't wanna see you because she wants you to do the key thing. Now it's getting late for you. You should get some rest and sneak back into the castle."

"Alright. Thanks Neth. At least I know she's safe."

"Yeah. Now go out and have fun!"

"Okay Neth."

"I'm glad you've lightened up too sugar. You seem a lot more comfortable now."

"I am actually." Russia smiles at Neth.

"That's a good smile Sugar. You should use it more often."

"Thanks Neth. I'll get going but thanks."

"Of course Sugar." Neth smiles at Russia and she went out of the bar to take a breath. "Okay. I have the final key. Let's go home."

Russia walked back into the castle and slept in her room with all five keys.

Russia got up. She got herself ready and then left will all 5 keys wrapped up together. "Okay. Time to find the poppy's. She went out to the garden to look for them. Russia came across a gardener and was pointed into the right direction and finally found them and right next to them was Canada.

"Canada." She turned around.

"Russia you're here." Canada smiled. "Do you have the keys?"

Russia pulled them out and showed them to her and Canada smiles and lookedup at Russia. "Um. Russia, I have something to ask you." Canada looked nervous and her gaze turned towards the ground. Her hands behind her back.

Whatis it?"

"Russia,Will um. You gathered all the keys from our time together and um."Canada was getting more and more flustered before just flinging out her hand in from of Russia. "Will you take my hand in marriage?"

Russia was surprised but everything they had said made sense. "Um. Not yet Canada."

"Oh I-I'm sorry I thought-" 

The Keys to the Princesses HeartWhere stories live. Discover now