The Book with a Carnation

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For several days Canada sat down with the book and read part of it. They were almost done. "I'm glad you two get along so much better now."

"Yeah we had a nice long talk Canada."

"I'm glad to hear that Claudia. Would you guys like to hear me read the ending to our epic tale Fallen Petals?"

"Yeah." Russia had a little emotion in his voice. He sounded a little happy and excited. Not much but a little. He had loosened up a little over the past few days and they were leaving the house early the next morning. 

"Alright." Canada opened up the book at the bookmark. "The duo made their way over to the top of the tower for their business meeting. Holding hands, Angelica squeezing Caroline's hand for reassurance. They were both nervous but only Caroline showed it. Walking with a straight posture from the time she worked with the wealthy. She would never outgrow this.
Right before the meeting Caroline tugged them into the restroom. "Can I have a goodbye kiss? We both know how this will really end."
"Yes." Angelica leaned over and they kissed, briefly. They had a schedule to be on after all.
"Thank you Angee."
"Of course my Carnation." Caroline laughed, the tightness in her shoulders relaxing.
"Ready to go?"
"Not like we have a choice."
"Oh stop it. Let's go."
They walked out of the bathroom and right before they opened the door, let go of their hands. The two looked at each other and nodded before entering the door and sitting down at the table. "What are your demands?" Angelica asked.
"We get leadership and we let you live."
"Not happening." Caroline immediately replied. "A better question is how ready is your organization for you to die?"
"We will not be dying."
"I know your plan. Does the name, Carnation, ring a bell?"
"Why you-" He started to stand up before one of his assistants put a hand on his shoulder.
"Not now Rick." He slowly sat back in his chair.
"As I was saying I know your plans. You are not ready for your leaders to die and I know you guys are all the leaders."
One of the people muttered something under their breath. Probably cussing. "How-what are your demands."
"We have no more demands." Rick was smirking at them now. "You know what happens now and what will happen if you try to run."
"Yep. It was nice knowing you guys." Caroline seemed eerily calm compared to everyone else in the room. "I know that I was a bad leader and that I became a horrible person. My only hope is that my daughter does a better job than me. Now how much time is left on that timer?"
"2 minutes."
"It was a pleasure doing business with you Assholes." Caroline smiled at them before turning around and pulling her Lover into a long tender kiss. They smiles at eachother. 
"I love you Carnation."
"I love you too Angee."
And they kissed again through the end of their world and into the explosion as the room was destroyed by the bomb Caroline herself had placed the day before."

"Now all we have is the epilogue." Canada was a lot more subdued than normal, not crying but not happy, almost numb. She didn't seem unlocked, more beaten down.

"Today is December 15, 2034, and breaking just a few hours ago horrible tragedy struck. The current Reigning Monarch Caroline died in a terrorist attack believed to be orchestrated by the group known as the Solar flares. What was previously thought to be a small rebellious group turns out to be a massive terrorist organization with almost a million members to it's name. If you have any information on this group please do not hesitate to call the police, number on screen. We will give you live updates as the information comes in."

Canada turned the page. "That's it. There's no more story. Just a news report and several blank pages. Not even a thank you page." She looked empty and numb from that. "Well. I'll be up in my room if you need anything."

She left the book on the floor and walked upstairs slowly. Her heels barely making any noise against the stairs. 

"That can't be the end." Russia went and looked at the back. "No there has to be more. They have to survive. There's just several blank pages I don't know what to do they didn't finish everything." He felt a hand on his shoulder. 

"Not all stories are happy. It's like real life okay?" Claudia smiled at Russia. "It's not the end of the world."

"But there has to be more, it hurt Canada." With her gone Russia showed more emotion, his bigger stress from her being hurt.

"Sometimes books hurt. But she'll be okay in a few hours. I've seen her have worse reactions to books."

"Like what?"

"She cried to me for two hours about how a book ended once and then she just stopped and smiles and said it was gonna be fine and was happy the rest of the day. She'll just be sad for a little while and then stop."

"I feel bad cause I chose that book."

"She let you choose a book?"


"That's crazy, I've never been allowed to chose a book for her to read."

"Oh. You haven't?" Russia is surprised.

"Yeah. Come to think of it she has been surprisngly nice to you. I guess you just have better vibes than her past guards."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah. Unless there is something you aren't telling me about you two?"

"No there isn't. She insists on me being more open about my feelings with her and act like a friend but that is it."

"Hmm. Weird. I guess you just have better vibes than everyone else."

"I guess so." They sat in silence for awhile, used to to not talking to anyone for long periods of time. 

"I still feel bad about the book."

"Don't, its okay."

"That doesn't stop me from feeling bad."

"Well it wasn't your fault."

"I know I still feel bad."

"Well don't."

"Sorry. I'm gonna go check her now."

"Suit yourself."

Russia walked up the stairs and knocked on Canada's door which is responded to with an annoyed voice, "Who is it?"

"It's Russia, Canada."

"I guess you can come in." Canada still sounds annoyed but her tone has a little bit of softness to it."

"Thank you." Russia opens the door and steps in to find Canada with a pencil and a notebook. "What are you doing Canada?"

"I'm drawing. What else would I be doing?"

"I dunno, writing your stories out?"

"Fair enough. That story had so many parallels between us. Especially at the beginning. It scared me a little thinking that's how we go out. Yet, the character like me, Caroline was fine with dying. How could she be so okay with it? It scares me a lot."

"Hey, the similarities were just a surprise. After all I am a man, not a woman after all."

"But the guard was cross dressing like I do."

"But she was bad and got herself outed very early on and kicked out."

"It just scares me how similar they both were."

"It's gonna be okay. Sorry I chose that book."

"It's okay. It was really good. Russia. Dont beat yourself up over it." Canada smokes slightly at him although she was definitly locked for now.

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