The Night Out

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Canada collapsed on her bed. "He's better than the others, but still another gross man." She could sense Russia standing outside her room and debated leaving it or not. She decided to get ready to leave. 

Canada pulled off her dress and annoying heels, putting on pants and tightly binding her chest. She looked very similar to a man now. Putting on the large shirt you could hardly see her feminine figure. Finally she put on the cloak she had bought in her disguise and did makeup so her face wasn't recognizable as royalty. She had a Blazing Star meeting anyways.

Now to wait the few hours before nightfall. She got her meal from Claudia again and relaxed as the sun slowly went below the horizon. She ate her food, good like always and at about 10 pm, a little after the sun went down she heard Russia leave. Perfect. She finished the story she came up with and then left, she knew the guard rotations and passed them with ease.

Soon she was outside the palace gates. She pulled on her hood, walking quickly to the meeting room. Slipping unnoticed by other people through dark alleys and back streets finally making it to the meeting room. She arrived late. Like always.

"Look who finally showed up." Lance, one of the lower levels of the inner circle sneered. She said nothing in response and took her seat silently. "Anyways as I was saying from new reports we have over 2 thousand new recruits this year. Almost all of them have nothing to lose and are willing to fight and do anything for our cause. If our numbers keep increasing, on the solstice next year we will be able to dethrone the monarchy and make our new government.

"It won't work." Canada said. She was hunched over a little to hide her grin. The time had finally come.

"What was that?"

"It won't work. You can't do a brute force attack on the castle. That's what they want you to do." She brought her head up no longer smiling but staring at him with her calculated blue/green eyes. He could see no emotion in them as she talked.

"Then what do you suggest? You don't seem to care." That struck a nerve and Canada stood up, placing her hands on the table and casting a cold glare around the table.

"I know more about the castle than any of you guys do. I can lead a sneak attack, at most 3 people other than myself inside the castle. We can sneak in and sneak out after the job is done. The Princess has a new guard as well and she seems rather fond of him unlike her other guards but that won't be a problem." She smirks and stands up. "I personally want to see the changes the princess makes. She has been hidden from the cameras for months now and it would be a shame to never learn why. But what do I know? After all I am just a cross dressing girl who risks her life every night to meet you guys." Her plan worked everytime. She smirked at them. Saving herself while taking out her father. He was a horrible ruler and made her terrified and he deserved to pay. Maybe not with his life but he wouldnt let her lead as long as he was alive. 

Lances mouth twitches in annoyance and they stare each other down. "I will consider your plan Luna. Please sit down."

Canada does sit down with her smirk still on her face and her arms crossed. He was too easily manipulated and everyone knew he was truly just a pawn under her thumb. Not like they would say it as he seemed unaware of this. 

"Taking this new idea into account how to you suggest we kill the royalty without suspicion?"

"Poisoning." Bikal suggested to them. "Do you know if they have taste testers?"

"They do not. All food is tested before it enters the castle and all chefs are screened before entering and sleep in the castle. They cannot sneak poison in so it's not necessary."

"Good thinking Bikal, and confirmation Luna. Now, Luna do you think you can poison them yourself?"

"I cannot. I can take a person there but I cannot do it myself. I do not have the heart."

"Was it not you that killed the princesses siblings?"

"No. Simply bad fortune." Canada had a hard time keeping a straight face. It hurt hearing about her siblings, let alone herself killing them.

"Well that's not great for us. Can you train a person to sneak in with you?"

"Of course I can. I can even train you if that's what you wish."

"I am too important to put myself in that position. I'll get you a new recruit. Train them."

"Of course."

"Meeting ended. See you at place 4 at the next full moon." They all nod and get up, Canada leaving in a much better mood than she had arrived. All was going well according to her plan. In less than a year the throne would be hers to take, and hers alone.

She slipped back into the castle grounds and as she started getting into her window she froze. Russia was in her room. Sitting down and waiting for her with a bored expression on his face.

She started to slide back down before hearing Russia calmly say, "Come in princess. I was wondering when you would arrive." It was in a rather pretty much higher pitched voice than the normal one Russia used. Canada sheepishly went into her room and stood. 

"If you want to use me you're out of luck."

"Of course I don't want to use you. Why would I use you for anything? My job is to protect you and sneaking out of the castle means that I cannot protect you."

"Well you ain't coming with me. What, you gonna tell my dad now that I sneak out of the castle dressed like a man if I don't do something for you right?" Her blatant rebuttals like she had accepted a fate of being used by men surprised Russia and he knew he had to fix this.

"No no no. On the contrary. I have insider info about the blazing stars that could keep you alive."

"I don't need any help. Wish Upon a blazing star."

"And we shall defeat you from afar." Russia fineshed without thinking, "Wait you know that?"

"Their leader is under my thumb. I know all about it. He is way to easily manipulated." Canada smirked again, almost laughing.

"But then did you-"

"That was bad luck. I miss them. That's why I joined." Canada's face fell. "I wish I could have saved my good family."

"What do you mean, your good family?"

"My father is horrible and a hypocrite. I know he's gay and sometimes in his spare time cross dresses too. Secondly my siblings were all kind and innocent.  They didn't deserve to die." Canada's voice was full of emotion. She was unlocked and open for this short time and Russia wanted to keep it open as long as possible.

"Okay. Well, since I know your biggest secret it's only fair you know mine."

"Alright. Spill the tea." Canada sat next to Russia.

"I'm-" They hear knocking on the door.

"Open up, if Russia is assaulting you I swear-"

"Claudia. It's okay! You can open the door." She returned to Russia. "Tell me tomorrow night." She then hid under her bed as the light came on.

"I swear what is it with men and trying to get intimate with the princess? Out you right now and I won't tell." Russia left without another word. 

"I'm sorry about him Princess. Do you want him to be your guard still?"

"Yes. And I promise it's not what you think. I'm going to bed now. Good night Claudia."

"Good night princess." She closes the door with a sigh.

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