It is time

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They got back from the vacation and did what they did. Canada went to meetings every month, Russia protected her and become more and more comfortable calling Princess Canada just Canada.

Now, it was finally time for her father to die. The person she had trained, Lily, was ready, but Canada felt bad. She may not have killed her brothers or her mother. It was all bad fortune, but she would be the direct cause of her Father's death. And yet she found herself leading the person she had trained into the castle. Ready to kill the king and possibly the Princess. What they didn't know was that that she was the princess. She knew she wanted her father off the throne but she didn't want him dead, just out of power, the only way she could think of it working was him dying.

Canada stopped and whispered, "We go through the princesses bedroom into the castle." Lily nodded and followed her up into her room where Canada froze. Russia was in her room. Relaxing and leaning against her bed like it was his. She put a thumbs down outside her window letting the person she trained wait.

"Russia, please leave," she whisper hissed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm gonna be queen soon." Canada's eyes seemed a little crazy somehow. Not quite focused and she didn't seem to be thinking straight. She seemed to be stuck between fully locked and completely unlocked. Wanting to be open yet the situation needing her to be locked and composed.

"Canada, what are you doing?" Russia's voice was full of concern for the young princess.

"Getting rid of an old fart who won't listen to me." Her voice was full of malice, without a single shred of doubt that she was doing the right thing. However her eyes spoke a different story with the hatred, a little bit of doubt lingered.

"Canada, you're going crazy."

"I don't care Russia. I'm not killing him myself anyways." She tried to brush Russia's concerned words off. It was so out if character for her.

"Canada this is madness." Russia refused to stop until Canada saw sense but she wouldn't budge against him.

"No it is progress."

"Think for-"

"I am thinking! I have thought about this for months! And I have decided that the world will be better off if he is dead." She lashed out that spark of doubt disappearing the instant he questioned her. Being against those with authority over her taking the trump over commonsense.

"He's your father."

"He's the man in power and he is doing nothing to help the minorities."

"He has a good media image and people trust him."

"Fuck the media! He. Needs. To. Die." The more Russia talked the more Canada felt hurt, confused, and also more resilient. She didn't want to listen to him and the more he disagreed the more her anger flared and the more she dug herself into a hole. She wasn't gonna budge no matter how bad that hole she was digging herself into was. That's how she is.

"Didn't you tell me you were good at manipulating people?"

"He won't listen to me no matter what I say!"

"What if I back you up?"

"I've planned this for months. Today is his last day. I'm not changing the plan now."

"Canada please stop." Russia was pleading with Canada now. Anything to get her to calm down and change her mind.

"As your princess and the next in line to the throne, I order you to step out of the way and let me through with my friend Lily."

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