You wished to Speak with Me?

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Canada got up the next morning and like her normal routine. Ate breakfast. Got dressed in uncomfortable clothes and did her school work. She did wonder what Russia wanted to say to her but it could wait. 

She heard Russia stand outside her door at around 9 but she waited until she had finished her schoolwork. before opening the door. "I would like to go to the library today Russia."

"Okay Princess Canada." Russia responded in his deep monotone voice.

Canada started to walk to the library with Russia following behind her. "Did you enjoy the story I read to you yesterday?"

"It doesn't matter Princess. I am here as your body guard and nothing more."

"Well I want your opinion." 

"I do not have an opinion, I'm only here for your protection."

"I order you to tell me your opinion on that book I read to you yesterday." Canada wasnt taking any of Russia's evasive maneuvers today and acted the same as she had before.

"I liked it. It was good."

"And you aren't lying to me?"

"I would never lie to you princess."

"Good. I want you to pick out a book today."

A servant ran up and tapped Russia on his shoulder. "The king wishes to see Princess Canada immediately."

Canada cursed under her breath having heard the Servant. "Alright let's go then. Thanks for telling us Sherley."

They walked up and Russia bowed to King Britain. Canada did not and crossed her arms. Russia noticed her being a little more confident today, with less fear towards her father. "You wished to speak to me Father?"

"Yes Canada. It is time the media saw you and yet, your hair has not been fixed yet so you will have to wear a wig."

"But Father-" There was a hint of annoyance as she was cut off.

"Silence Canada. It is time you knew your place as Princess. There are too many rumours going around for you to stay out of their gaze any longer. You will be seen leaving the castle to our summer home with your new guard tomorrow."

"Father can you wait until next week please?"

"Do you have business outside the castle somehow?"

"No I would just rather-"

"Then you will have no issue. Your personal maid and body guard will be coming with you. You leave at 9am tomorrow."

Canada clentched her fist, angry at this sudden news. "Anything else, Father?"

"No. That is it Canada. You are dismissed." On her way out Canada's heels clicked extra loud on the floor, her way of showing annoyance and anger. She led them back to her room and let out a kinda groan and kinda shout of annoyance. 

"The nerve of that guy I swear he's gonna kill me someday. oH bUt thE PrESs. Fuck the Press I don't care what the media says I'm not allowed on there anyways. And all the magazines are fake clickbait stories anyways so I don't care about them. Uuuugghhhhh!" She then turns to Russia with a smile that showed her dying inside. "Take me somewhere, anywhere that will help take my mind off of this."

"Anywhere specific Princess?"

"Just somewhere I don't have to think of him please." She clearly just wanted out and away from her thoughts for once.

"Okay. Follow me then." Russia took her to the Library. "You like being in here right?"

"Yes I do." She picked up a book and flipped the pages smelling it and the obvious tension in her shoulders subsided almost immediately. Looking like she was unlocking herself. "Thank you Russia."

"Of course Princess. It is my duty." 

"Now pick out a book you wanna read over the break."

"I will not have time to read, I will be protecting you."

"Fine pick out a book for me to read to you during the break."

"My enjoyment is not necesary."

"I order you to pick out a book for me to read to you."

"Okay. But don't stray too far princess." 

"Of course, I'll stay by your side the whole time."

"Good princess. Your safety is my job."

"Anyways choose a book. Be free." She followed him as Russia went through many books before finally choosing one called Fallen Petals.

"Ooh. Why'd you chose that one?"

"It has a big pretty Chrysanthemum on it."

"That's what that flower is called?" Canada appeared very interested by this information.

"Yes. My mother runs a flower shop."

"It's really pretty. Well I'll pack it and read it when all the photographers are gone and I can take off the wig they're gonna make me wear."

"If you wouldn't mind me asking, why do you not want to wear the wig which will improve your image with the press?"

"Wigs are heavy and I find them uncomfortable to wear for a long time. Also it means I should be ashamed of my hairstyle to please the press and I honestly don't care what the media says about me. I just want to be proud of who I am, not some dolled up perfect person the cameras wanna see." Canada truly sounded fed up.

"Ah. Okay." Russia liked this insight into her life and added it to his list of things he knew about her.

"If father wasnt forcing me to wear it I wouldn't. Anyways, I should probably pack tonight. Maybe I can sneak a journal in and be able to write down my story for the first time in months." Canada keeps thinking out loud about everything she wants to do while Russia stands there, looking around and half-listening to her, making sure no one tries to hurt her.

"Alright. We have our book. Since it's pretty thick we should be fine with just it and I'm sure there will be more books at the house we'll be staying at. " Canada started to walk quickly, like she always had to get to a place as soon as possible. Her heels clicking against the floor as Russia followed her back to her room and stood outside it. Standing Guard.

Canada zipped up her bag an hour later. It was stuffed with folded clothes and she smiles at her handiwork. Maybe she could find some money to buy a journal to take with her.

She left her room and looked at her guard. "Hey Russia?"

"Yes princess?" He noted her having her guard completly down for once around him.

"I have a question."

"I will do my best to answer it."

"How do I earn enough money to buy a journal to write in?"

"I wouldn't know. Do they not let you have your own?" Russia knew the answer but wanted to hear some reasoning from her.

"Part of my punishment for this beautiful hair. No writing or leaving castle grounds where the media can see me until my hair grows out."

"Well that sucks. I'll see what I can do to help you."

"Thanks Russia!" Canada smiles at him and goes up on her tiptoes to whisper. "I'll help you sneak out if you help me steal a journal."

Russia nods. "Of course Princess. I will be happy to assist you."

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