Last Night Out

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Canada put on her attire and opened her door quietly. "I'm ready to sneak out. Let's go."

Russia nodded and followed Canada out the window. Across the gardens, out of the castle grounds with barely any issue. Russia almost got spotted by a guard but Canada pulls him out of the way before they were spotted

In an alley near where the meeting was Canada stopped. "We are equals tonight Russia."

"Okay P-"

"Luna. I am Luna."

"Okay... Luna," Russia seemed reluctant to call her that.

"We are equals Russia, remember that." Canada smiles at Russia. "hmm. It's been a few months since I did a show. Will you let me know your secret afterwards?"

"Um sure. What kinda show are we talking about?"

"Ever been to an underground bar?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"An underground bar. Hidden and ignored mostly by the authorities. It helps that I bribe the authorities to do nothing."

"You what?"

"Bribe and threaten the corrupt authorities, now come on Russia. You'll have fun."

Canada drags Russia to the worse end of town, down some steps into a lively and colourful room. As soon as they enter, Russia feels like he was hit over the head with sound and colour.

"Welcome to the Bunker. The underground gay bar I keep alive." Canda was smiling. I'm gonna get my stuff from my locker and do a show. Enjoy yourself Russia!" Canada went thorugh the crowd, saying hi to plenty of people and taking off her hood. Clearly well known amongst the regulars. But Russia didn't know what to do and before he knew it there was an anouncer heard loud and clear.

"Now this isn't something we see everyday! It's the long awaited return of the King, The one an only, Prince Maple!" A ton of people turned towards the stage as someone, almost unrecognizable if not for the makeup gone from her face. It was Canada, all decked out in shining, foam armour and a long cape along with jewels all along her. If you didn't know her you wouldn't even know she was the princess. It was amazing seeing her transformation.

"Thank You Thank You! It's wonderful to be back everyone!" Canada's voice was disguised to be deeper. "I have some good news! The king will be dead by the end of Midsummers night!" The crowd cheers. "We will have reform and acceptance!" Another loud cheer. "To the Revolution!"

"To the Revolution!" They all stick their right hand in the air and cheer leaving Russia very confused as he doesn't know what to do.

The person next to them pokes his shoulder and he looks down. "Are you new here?"

"Yeah. This is, my first time here." He felt really uncomfortable. The person who confronted him was very short, even by his tall height.

"That's Prince Maple. He runs this show and is gonna kill the king and princess. He claims he didn't kill the princesses siblings but I think he's just being modest."

"Yeah. I don't know.  Who do you think he is in real life?"

"Ah, probably some rebellious teenage kid. They're pretty smart."

"So She-sorry, He is a regular here?"

"He was for awhile but had to stop for some reason. He always had long flowing hair but I like this new style."

"So he likes to be a man while he is like that?"

"What do you know them in real life or something?"

"He brought me here."

"Well don't spill any beans on them. Anything they wanna share about themselves is their right and their right alone. He is very clingy with the ladies a lot though. Never seen him go home with anyone before though. It's kinda sad they've always sounded like they wanna settle down with someone. He always loosens up a but more after he drinks."

"You guys let him drink?"

"Relax we never give him too much and he always walks home in a straight line."

"But he's underage."

"Most of this crowd is underage by at least a few years. We don't care, get them a little tipsy and give them water."


The woman put her hands around his waist. "You just roll with it. If you want I can be your gay parent?"

"My, Gay parent?" Russia was confused with all the new lingo.

"Wow you really know nothing. Okay so because I am older and I know a lot of stuff I am your Elder gay. Now who all are you interested in young man?"

"Oh um. If you don't mind um." He whispers something in her ear, kinda embarrassed at the truth of himself.

"Am I the first person you've told?"

Russia nods, terrified. "Well I'll keep it on the down low. So you like girls too?"


"Okay Sugar. Things to know about girls, You gotta treat them right. Give them respect. Secondly, just give them human kindness. Most of the girls here will crawl over a person with respect. Man or woman. As you are young don't take anyone home yet and make sure they aren't drunk. As for fucking, you'll figure that out on your own with them. Just keep your nails short."

"Um. Okay?"

"You'll be fine sugar. Now what's your name?"

"It's R-Russia Ma'am." He was still very uncomfortable as she starts to lightly hig him to try and calm his nerves.

"Don't feel the need to be so formal Russia. My name is Netherlands but my friends call me Neth or Meth. Not sure why they call me Meth but I roll with it."

"Okay. Netherlands."

"Call me Neth! Do you have a nickname?"


"Then I'll call you Russ. Also Loosen up. Don't be so formal. Have fun! Smile." Russia mustered up a small smile for her. "That's more like it sugar." Neth smiles back. "I hope you come back. This is a place with almost no judgement. As long as you don't hurt others you can be yourself." Neth then moved in the crowd leaving Russia alone and confused again and before he knew it, Canada was tugging in his arm.

"We gotta go now. We have to wake up early tomorrow." Canada had flushes cheeks and was smiling wide. "I always look forward to the Prince Maple concert. I convinced him to wear it for me." Canada pulled up her hood and started to lead Russia outside.

Someone bumped hard into her. "Do you mind minuscule bitchass cabbage?" They just continues moving and Canada pulled Russia out of there and up the steps.

"How was it?"

"It was..." Russia paused. How could he have loosened up around her this much already? "My enjoyment-" He got punched lightly in the side. 

"You're being guard Russia again. Be my friend Russ."

"It was a lot to take in. And very loud."

"Did you meet anyone?"

"I met this nice lady called Netherlands."

"Ah, you met Meth."

"Why do you call her that?"

"When I first met her she was high a lot. Now I just call her Meth anyways. She doesn't get high that often anymore."


Canada got them back into the castle and she went to sleep and sent Russia back to his room to sleep.

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