| Imagine #22 | Bruno Bucciarati

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Title: "Library"

Pairing: Bucciarati x (librarian) reader

Type: angst/fluff

Warning: drug use (don't do drugs, kids)

Word Count: 1263


Music quietly plays through your earbuds, soothing your soul as you shelve books in a happy daze. Not many people can say that they truly enjoy their occupations, but you certainly can.

Working at a library is peaceful and relaxing for the majority of the time. Occasionally, there may be some hiccups, but those are often few and far between.

At the moment, there are no people within these walls apart from you. So, you decided to work on some shelving to help out the page who couldn't work today.

Faintly, you hear the door open, quickly pausing your music, but leaving the devices in your ears. Two teenagers enter, tumultuously walking to the far corner.

They're not like most patrons who usually attend the library.

Glancing at your watch, you see that there are only ten minutes left until closing. You go back to shelving the books, smiling at the thought of going home to relax.

Even if you love work, it's still nice to be finished for the day.

The teens go quiet all of a sudden, alerting you. The hairs on the back of your neck raise as you peek through the shelves to watch in horror as you see what they're doing.

Sharp silver needles dig into their arms as they unabashedly shoot up in the corner of this esteemed establishment.

Should I call the police?

You silently walk to the front desk, reaching for the phone before it is knocked away from your hand.

The boys laugh as you stare at them in fright. Alarm bells ring in your mind, telling you to put space between you and the high teenagers.

"Don't come any closer," you warn in a surprisingly steady voice. "If you leave now, I won't call the police."

"You hear that? She won't call the police," one of them mocks, stepping close anyways.

Your gaze hardens.

If they want a fight, you're more than willing to give it to them. Needless to say, this isn't exactly a fair fight, but you're young and capable of inflicting some damage.

"I'm warning you," you say, slowly wrapping your finger around the heaviest thing on your desk - a stapler.

"Ooh, we're so scared."

Heart thumping wildly, you allow your instincts to overcome you, swinging your makeshift weapon with all your might into the boy's head.

He cries out in shock and a bit of pain, although the drugs in his system alleviate most of the sting. His buddy is unimpressed, lunging for you.

You dodge, reaching for the phone again. Not making it in time, you curse as the male stomps on it, rendering it useless.

"Act nice and we might not hurt you," the one you hit says. "We're just looking for a good time."

"Well, you're not gonna get it here," you state forcefully, rushing to the back room to grab a better weapon.

Hand closing on the handle of a large kitchen knife, you brace yourself for more conflict. Certainly, you've never had to deal with this sort of behavior before, but you've seen street brawls and have a good idea of what to do.

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