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Chapter 8

⋆.:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆


I walked down the cobblestone path, my hands shoved deep in the pockets of my hoodie. The words that Rarity had told me before our death were still embedded in my mind.

The smile that she gave me even though she felt like dying. How her eyes dropped to the ground attempting not to spill tears. Her voice breaking, her hands tense to her side.

An uneasy feeling went through my stomach as I averted my gaze to the same place we died. Rarity wasn't here yet, she was for some reason taking longer than usual. I sat on the bench, instantly drowning in my thoughts.

The alarm on my phone was still the song that my mom used to play. All my photos were of my parents together. The text from Sunset, I used to get every morning, didn't exist anymore. I had meant to tell Rarity all of this before our last death, but her news was far more important than mine.

We also never discussed what happened in the hallway. But with everything going on, some silly fight and kiss didn't seem to matter. I was having hallucinations of my mother, Rarity killed herself.

The sound of her sneakers was heard across the park. I turned my head to see her running in my direction, a panicked expression was plastered on her face. Ever since the last loop, she didn't have on her usual white silk dress. Today she wore the same sweatpants and white T-Shirt from before. She had her phone clutched in her hands.

I slowly stood up from my seat, opening my mouth to say something. Before anything could come out, she grabbed ahold of my hand.

"No time to explain," she told me. With all of her strength, she pulled me out of the park. She let go of my hand, running ahead of me.

"Rarity, where the hell is we going?!" I called after her.

"She's gone," Rarity was barely able to choke out. She extended her hand to give me her phone, she managed to do this while still running. Confused, I took it which was followed by a gesture for me to slide it in my pocket.


Rarity kept on running, giving me no response. I let out a little annoyed groan, grabbing her shoulder. She stopped, spinning around. And as her eyes met mine, I couldn't seem to look away.

"My best friend," she responded.

I blinked a few times, almost forgetting what I had asked in the first place. "What?"

"I went on my phone. Everything was different on my phone Jackie." She paused to take a breath before explaining the rest. "The wallpaper, the settings. I went through my text messages, only to see that all Fluttershy's conversations with me were gone. Her contact was gone, I went on social media and her profile was gone. All my photos on Instagram were different and-"

I narrowed my eyes, ignoring the chills that had traveled down my spine after Rarity gave me that nickname. "Your phone's different too?"

She raised an eyebrow, waiting for me to go on.

I reached for my phone, which had been in my other back pocket the whole time. I clicked a button, we both watched as the screen lit up. And the first thing that met our eyes was a picture of my mother with Big Mac and dad - before I was born. That had been my lock screen for a while, and every time I looked at it, I noticed something different. This time, I noticed how Big Mac was carrying Dad's hat in his hands.

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