6 ~ tiny house

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I skipped a part of the songs because it just wouldnt work as text and tried to make that work. So please keep that in mind.



The dark woods around you made you feel very uncomfortable. You still laid there on the ground, crying. You felt lost and alone.

Why did she hate you that much? Why did she want you dead. You never did anything to her. You did everything she asked you to do. Clean,cook.. you got treated like a house elf.

You heard little footsteps around you. You slowly set up. You saw a few small animals around you.

'Oh.' You brought out while wiping your tears.

The animals slowly scampered away. Back into the forest.

'Please dont run away. I wont hurt you.' You said right away.

The animals slowly came back. Looking at you in curiosity.

'I’m awfully sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you but you don’t know what I’ve been through. All because I was afraid. I’m so ashamed of the fuss I’ve made.'

The animals slowly came closer and closer as they seemed to be willing to help you. You took a deep breath and looked at them.

'I’m sure I’ll get along somehow. Everything is going to be alright.. But I do need a place to sleep at night.'

You looked at the rabbits who were on the ground besides you.

'I can’t sleep in the ground like you.' You told them.

You looked around the forest, up at the long trees. There was no way there was anything near by where you could sleep.

'Or in a tree the way you do.' You sighed while looking at the squirrels. 'And I'm sure no nest would possibly be big enough for me.' You said while looking at the birds. 'Maybe you know where I can stay.. in the woods somewhere?'

The birds about you tweeted at you. You looked up at them. If only you had your wand. Why were you so stupid not to bring it.

'You do?' You asked.

The birds continued to tweet to you. They were telling you about a possible place to stay.

'Will you take me there?' You asked.

You slowly got up. The animals started heading through the forest. You followed them right away. They stopped and you parted some branches to see a tiny house in an open space in the forest.

You slowly approached it. It was unlike any house you had seen before. It was small. Really small. But it seemed like you could fit inside.

'Oh, it’s adorable! Just like a doll’s house. I like it here.'

You peered through the glass but couldnt see anyone inside. You could actually see anything.

'Ooh, it’s dark inside.'

You walked towards the door and knocked on it. You didnt hear anything.

'Guess theres no one home..' you said while slowly opening the door. 'Hello? May I come in?' You asked.

There was no answer. You slowly opened the door and stepped inside. The animals followed you.


You tiptoed into the house and looked around. It was tiny. It was gross inside too. There was dust everywhere and cobwebs. There was a table with 7 little chairs. Why was everything so small? No way that children lived her.. right?

'What a cute little chair! Why there are seven little chairs! Must be seven little children. And from the look of this table, seven untidy little children.'

You continued to walk through the house and passed the fireplace.

'And just look at that fireplace. It’s covered with dust.'

You blew the dust away which made the squirrels sneeze.

'And look, cobwebs everywhere! My, my, my! What a pile of dirty dishes!'

It was such a mess that you even felt like cleaning right now.

'And just look at the broom!' You sighed. 'Why, they’ve never swept this room. You think their mother would..' you gasped. 'Maybe they have no mother. Then they’re orphans. That’s too bad. I know! We’ll clean the house and surprise them. Then maybe they’ll let me stay.'

You hung up your cloak and turned to the animals.

'Now you wash the dishes.' You told the squirrels. 'You tidy up the room.' You told the rabbits. 'You clean the fireplace and I will use the broom.'

With the help of the animals it didnt take long before you cleaned the place. There was one spot you hadnt been yet.

'Let’s see what’s behind this curtain.'

You pulled it aside and saw 7 little beds lined up.

'Oh, what adorable little beds! And look, they have their names carved on them. Doc, Happy, Sneezy, Dopey...'

You laughed. Those were some odd names.

'What funny names for children! Grumpy, Bashful and Sleepy.'

You felt yourself yawning. Today had been tiring with all the murder conspiracies and stuff.

'I'm a little sleepy myself.'

You laid down on the tiny beds and fell asleep almost right away..


Draco made his way back home. He had no idea where you were or what you were doing. All that was going through his mind was you.

Where would you sleep? Could you eat anything? You could talk to animals.. did they help you? He sat down on his bed and took a deep breath.

He had to find you. He had to make sure you were okay. He couldn't get your wand but he could at least bring some food.. maybe a blanket.

The urge to take care of you was surprising him. He knew you were good friends but this was a little weird. Was he even going to be able to find you. All these thoughts were driving him insane..

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