7 ~ our house..

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Okay so. The dwarfs are gonna be freed house elfs. Also this scene is just a whole bunch of talking so I really tried to make the best if it.



'Look! Our house! The lit’s light... uh, the light’s lit.'

A group of 7 house elfs were gathered around the tiny house where you were sleeping in. They had just come back from their daily activity.

'Jiminy Crickets!' All elfs exclaimed.

'The door is open.' Doc said.

The house elfs had lived there for ages ever since they got freed after the war. They all decided to team up and make sure they could survive in this world. Ever since they lived together in their own little house.

'The chimney’s smoking.' Happy said while pointing at it.

'Something’s in there.' Doc concluded.

No one had ever managed to find them. No one. They were scared and had no idea what could be inside.

'Maybe a ghost.' Sleepy spoke in fear.

'Or a goblin.' Grumpy sighed while crossing his arms.

'A demon.' Sneezy added.

'Or a dragon.' Bashful sighed.

They were all just staring at their own house in fear.

'Mark my words, there’s trouble a-brewin’. Felt it coming all day. My corns hurt.' Grumpy complained.

'Gosh!' Doc exclaimed.

'That's a bad sign.' Happy said.

'What’ll we do?' All elfs spoke in unison.

They all stared back at the house.

'Let’s sneak up on it.' Sleepy suggested.

Doc cleared his throat while turned towards his friends.

'Yes. We’ll, uh, squeak up... sneak up. Come on hen... uh, men. Follow me.'

They all slowly approached the house. Doc slowly pushed the door open and peeked inside. They all quietly sneaked inside until Dopey slammed the door shut. All the elfs turned around to him.


Dopey turned to the door.

'Shhh!' He said to it.

'Careful men. Search every cook and nanny... Hook and granny... crooked fan... uh, search everywhere.' He whispered.

They all spread across the house. Trying to find what ever disturbed them. They looked everywhere. In drawers, underneath the table, in every cabinet. While they did they slowly started to spot.. changes.

'Look! The floor, it’s been swept!' Doc said.

'Hah! Chair’s been dusted!' Grumpy exclaimed.

'Our window’s been washed.' Happy spoke.

Bashful looked around.

'Gosh, our cobwebs are missing.' Bashful said while pointing at the ceiling.

'Why, why, why, why, the whole place is clean!' Sleepy said.

'There’s dirty work afoot.' Grumpy hissed.

Sneezy leaned over the counter and looked at the sink.

'Sink’s empty. Hey, someone stole our dishes!'

Doc looked at the sink and then up at the cupboard.

'They ain’t stole. They’re hid in the cupboard.'

'My cup’s been washed. Sugar’s gone.' Sleepy pointed out.

Dopey stopped infront of a pot. Doc looked at him.

'Something's cooking.' He said before sniffing. 'Smell's good.'

'Dont touch it, you fools! Might be poison, a brew!' Grumpy yelled.

Dopey and Doc immediately stepped away from it.

'Look what’s happened to our stable... uh, table.'

'Flowers!' Happy exclaimed while pointing at the table.

'Huh?' Sneezy asked right away.

'Look, Goldenrod.' Happy smiled while reaching for the flowers.

'Don’t do it. Take them away. My nose! My hay fever! You know I can’t stand it.  I can’t... I can’t... I... oh.'

Four house elves hurried over to him and tried to block his nose. They were still afraid for who ever was in the house. Sneezy sighed happily.


But not even a second later he sneezed loudly. Everyone told him to be quite right away.

'Ya crazy fool! Fine time you picked to sneeze!' Grumpy hissed.

'I couldn’t help it. I can’t tell. When you gotta, you gotta. I... I... I gotta. It’s coming...'

Grumpy gasped while the others jumped onto him. Sneezy was about to sneeze again.

'No, tie him tight.' Happy hissed while snapping his fingers, causing a rope to bind around him.

'I’ll tie it.' Bashful sighed.

'Make a hard knot.' Grumpy hissed.

They tied a knot in the rope and sighed.

'There, that will hold him.' Sleepy smiled.

'Thanks!' Sneezy smiled back.

'Shh!' Doc hissed.

Everyone slowly became quite again.

'Quiet, you fool! You want to get us all killed?' Grumpy asked.

They suddenly all heard a noise. Everyone shut up in stress right away.

'What’s that? Sounded close' sleepy asked.

'It’s in the room right now.' Happy spike a little scared.

'It’s behind the curtain.' Bashful shivered.

They all looked at the curtain. There was nothing to see.

'Yeah. In our bedroom.' Sneezy said.

'One of us has to go out and chase it in. In. Out.' Doc stuttered.

Everyone looked at Dopey right away who immediately become concerned. Doc nervously handed him a small light.

'Here, take it. Don’t be nervous.' Doc spoke while trying not to sound too nervous himself.'

'Don’t be afraid, we are right behind you.' Happy said.

'Yes! Right behind ya.'the rest said while they followed him towards the curtain..

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