Chapter 2

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Chanting with the breeze.

"Just walk." And she pinched my belly which really hurts.

It was 4:30 a.m of 20th of December. We see a group of elderly walking towards the church, unbothered by the freezing temperatures.

My mother is a public teacher and a dedicated parishioner. She's one of the toughest woman I met in my life. Her name, which is taken from the Roman Goddess of Love and Beauty, clearly manifested the characteristic of the Goddess. She was a beauty queen- with passion, stand and intelligence. No wonder how she captured Dad's heart, from veins to the ventricles and chambers to the aorta. Oh, Dad's a cardiologist.

My Dad, he's the most patient, hardworking and kindest man I ever met. I tell you how long his patience- doing a round-trip from Earth to Saturn. (Ain't joking.) His love for Mom really inspires me. I remember the story of how he proposed to Mom- that his proposal is a part of his graduation speech during his Med school graduation. (I know that was so riDoculous. HA HA HA)

She always takes me with her when attending the misa de gallo or the "Shepherd's Mass" or the "Midnight Mass" for the reasons I don't really understand.

"Closer to God." My mom always whispers. Well, as a matter of fact, I do pray every night and everyday so what's the point of going to church before dawn instead of sleeping soundly. (She would beat me for that thing I said a while ago.)

Whenever I am with her attending the misa de gallo, I couldn't even yawn. She would pinch my side and boom! I am wide awake for the rest of the hours.

"God knows I'm talking to Him in my sleep, Mom. Please, just 5 minutes." I pleaded her. But she seems no interest of letting me shut my eyes and more focused on shutting my mouth.

"Sally." That's a small sentence but it speaks a whole story. I can see her eyes, furious eyes locking mine.

"Fine, fine. Not gonna sleep." I have no guts to protest because I am pretty...sure I will regret it afterwards.

(I know what you're going to ask) Yes, what do we do at church even before the cocks in every neighborhood rise and even earlier than the sun kisses the morning horizon?

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