Chapter 11

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                 Shadow of the Past.

“The homily that the priest told earlier was so heartbreaking and heart touching. He is so intelligent but the bishop said he’s not a new person here.” Narrated the old lady.

I moved closer to the two ladies. I touched some coconut candy, suman and polvoron. (That's just an acting, no worries.)

“I could tell he’s a gentleman with a class, the way he stands, he acts and he speak.” She even added.

“Well, many wealthy families send their sons to other places to study, maybe his ancestors are from here. And besides, the town mayor said his son just came home from abroad, maybe he’s the priest.” The vendor answered.

“Well, maybe. Studying Theology has been so expensive nowadays. Maybe you're right! Such an honorable person he is. God bless him. Oh here, give me five pieces of puto bumbong and this bibingka.”

My eyes widened when I heard those things. I don't know if it is right to do that thing but yeah, they are still talking when I started moving away from them.

“Sally! Come here dear. Let’s go to the convent. I will give some of these snacks to the priests and also to recommend you to the Parish Ministry for the commentator slot.”

After my eavesdropping, I rolled my eyes and hurried to Mom who is now finished with her meet and greet session with her friends.

"Woah, woah, wait! W-wait Mom. I? Commentator? Uh---" I protested. I am literally shy when it comes to so many people. I would've hid under whatsoever I see I can totally fit.

"Ah- ah. No excuses! That will train you to be more confident." That was it. Mom walked in the nearby stall and asked for some delicacies.

“Ale, please give me 10 pieces of puto bumbong and 2 layers of bibingka. Here, take this and keep the change.”

"Oh! This is quite much, Ma'am." The vendor was alarmed as soon Mom handed her the money. Mom gave the vendor a hundred peso and we went to the convent with the snacks she’s gonna give some to the priests.

"That's okay dear." Mom smiled at her. "Oh. Thank you Ma'am! This means a lot. God bless you!" The vendor happily replied. "God bless you too." Mom answered.

She handed me the 5 pieces of puto bumbong and the layer of bibingka that we will bring home for breakfast. I am really sure Dad and Luke would love it.

"Okay now come on. We better go there." She narrated as he pointed towards the convent.

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