Chapter 6

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                A story of unknown.

“This is a story of a young boy who was named after this mass we are having today. His name is Gallo.

Despite of the joyous meaning of his name, happiness has no trails in his life because when he was 5 years old, his dad died in a hit and run accident. The poor family lives in a tent under the bridge and when his dad died, he didn’t even have a formal funeral because of poverty.

They could hardly eat, and when they do, just a bread or leftovers of costumers eating in the restaurants. Gallo and his mother worked there as dishwasher and cleaner.

When he was 10, his mother struggled for her life and found out she’s battling with breast cancer. Gallo did all of the works he knew; shine shoes, sweep the town hall, clean the restaurant and even sell newspapers just to save his mom.

He does it all day and when he come home at night, he carry with him the food for his Mom and him.

One night, after cleaning the restaurant, the crew gave him chicken with rice and mashed potatoes still untouched. He was so happy because that is the first meal he would taste for almost 2 days. He thanked the crew and hurried home. When he reached home, he saw his Mom shivering and rushed to her. He handed her their dinner and saw the glimpse of light in his Mom's eyes.

He said "Mom, I brought this for you, now come on let's eat."  But he did not touched his part, instead, he wrapped it and put it in a container so that his Mom could eat breakfast the next day. He would just drink water and sleep his hunger and pray to God to help them in one way or another.

The next morning, he prepared the food they had last night so his Mom could eat but he was wrong. Last night was her last meal.

God has taken his Mom and he cried for help but as usual, no one helped him. With a very heavy heart, he ate the food he prepared for his Mom and buried her with full honors. He wailed, begged and prayed to God about all the things that happened to him.

Crying, he walked in the streets and saw the children with smiles on their faces and new toys in their hands, eating the delicious foods he can’t afford even in his wildest dreams. He took with him the pouch given by his father with 20 pesos inside it, just enough for a bread and soda. He saw the lights dancing in the park, entertaining the couples passing by, the families taking pictures and the teens buying fries and cakes and snack.

Tears flowed freely in his face remembering all the tragedy his whole existence has encountered.

“I don’t even know if God has a plan for me. All he did is take my parents away from me.” These are the very words that sprang from his mouth.

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