Chapter 10

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Glimpse of life.

The dawn welcomed us with an embracing warmth. Warmth that made us realize that happiness is a motor and God is the fuel. The sunrise ignited the hopes of every person coming out from the church's door. Hopes that made us believe that one day, all the changes, happenings and situations we are facing will bring us the best thing we pray in our whole lives. The singing birds hummed the song of victory and opportunity brought by another day. Victory that signifies we overcame our past and opportunity that we will make things better for the future. The clanging of bells announces the start of the new day. A new day that symbolizes a new chance to cherish the moment and appreciate the present given by God.

"Good morning! God bless you.," Those are some of the greetings I heard.

"The mass has ended. Go in peace and serve the Lord." The priest ended. "Thanks be to God."

After the mass, Mom and I went to the stalls selling puto bumbong and bibingka. These are the snacks that will surely captivate your eyes and even order your hands to pick your wallet from you bags or pocket and buy them. Well, we could not deny it. Filipinos are good cooks.

"Okay honey, so we're gonna buy bibingka for your Dad, it's his favorite. And look for some banana cake for Luke." Mom narrated.

Some people greeted each other "Merry Christmas". Some even have a cheesy talk with their friends and companies which also includes my mom.

"Sally wait for me here. Gonna talk to your Aunt Caren for a while." Mom reprimanded.

"Okay, just gonna take a look for some of the...uh, sweet bites here." I answered.

"Heyy, Venus, how's life going?" Their talks went on and on.

Before proving the crowd that I was a fish out of water that moment, I walked near the nearest stall and took a look of the sweet delicacies pretending that I will buy it. (Thanks God I'm a good actress).

While the vendor is busy with her chitchats with some other costumers, I heard the other vendors talking about the mass earlier and something caught my attention.

"Yeah! He is. He is. My sister-in-law told me." That was pretty intriguing so I moved closer to them and pretended looking for a snack. I looked for a gret spot where I can clearly hear everything. (So sorry, Mom.) Luckily, I overheard some conversations of the vendor and the old lady.

(I know what the lady's gossip. Please read on to know more! Thank you so much!)

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