Chapter 7

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           He sang the sound of pain.

He saw the church nearby and decided to go there. Even his rumbling stomach couldn’t even bear the sadness he has. He sat near the door and passed out.

In his sleep he saw the pain in his heart, the pain that drowned the hope he hold in his sob. He felt the numbness of his stomach, having eaten nothing for a week that weakens not his body but his mind, torturing it in every angle he does not understand. He heard the anger in his veins, rushing the blood from the depth of his heart full of tears, doubts and complains.  He smelled the guilt in his soul, not having the strength to help his Mom fight for her miserable life.

“Is he okay? Is he alive? Take him to the convent.”

Those are the words he heard and buried himself into a deep sleep he wished to be forever.

But God has a plan for him.

He wished he has seen the light to eternity but not. He opened his eyes and saw the bitter reality that he had to suffer for his life.

"God take me with you! I am begging you!" He cried so loud, freeing everything his poor heart could no longer contain. "I-i have no reason to live. You took my Dad and Mom. Away from me. Far away from me. And I can't do anything about it! So pleaseeee. Take my life!" Full of agony, he burst into tears, pouring all the weight his soul could no longer carry.

He cried so hard. He punched himself, hurt him in a way his brain could process. He cried and begged God to take him so that he will reunite with his parents again. He cried himself to sleep, burying himself in the thoughts of death.

For a moment there was peace at his room. He has rested. He's tired and helpless.

“Where am I?” he asked the man near the bed. “Oh, you’re awake. You’re here at the convent, son. Are you lost? Where’s your parents?”

He had no tears left to cry. He just sighed, a heavy sigh that explains his burden.

With a heavy heart he answered, “they’re dead. My mother died two days ago. I have nowhere to go. I…I am hungry..I got nothing to pay for you sir..I think lost my pouch, I don’t have any money.”

“You don’t have to pay son. You’re at the home of God. We will take care of you.” The man said.

For a moment, he embraced silence. As soon as he heard "home of God" he thought he was taken by God like how he begged Him.

“Who are you? Home of God? Am I dead?” confused, he insisted to get up but he is still weak. He held his cold hands and wandered his sight at the place.

“No child, you’re at the convent and you are not dead. I am Fr. Margarito but please call me Fr. Mar. This is your home now. Just sit there and I will bring you food for you to get better. What is your name again?”


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