Chapter 9

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                        Ring of Hope.

I don’t really know how long the homily was but all I know is I shed a lot of tears because of the priest’s story. I don’t know how he carried all the story that far without breaking down or am I just insensible noticing the pain in his voice while narrating.

That was the most memorable misa de gallo I have ever attended all my life. In my 13 years of going to church every 4 am for 8 straight days, I haven’t heard a heartbreaking and at the same time heart-warming story a priest shared during his homily.

"Ohh. I look so ugly when I cry." I whispered as I wipe the tears falling from my puffed eyes.

I saw other people who attended the mas wiping their teary eyes while going out the church. We were all touched by the priest’s story.

"Gonna reasearch if the story is real life or the priest just made that up. But dang it! That was greatly written if that was the case." I uttered.

I even wonder who the boy is and where is he now. Maybe Fr. Storyteller met him once in his assigned place and had learned those life lessons there.

"Compose yourself, kiddo." Mom uttered. I can see her face turned red maybe because she also cried.

Sometimes, people come into our lives as a lesson or a blessing. Maybe Gallo was both. A lesson- because he taught us to never doubt God’s plans for you. He taught us to be strong. He taught us that it’s okay to break down sometimes and call for God’s help. A blessing because I felt his presence while the priest is telling his story. A blessing because he made me realize that we all need God in our lives. A blessing because he made me feel he is real.

Maybe this person, Gallo, is both. I don't know, I just felt it. I was amazed of how his story moved every single person in the church that morning.

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