Chapter 13

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                  Trails of the roots.

“Sally come here!” Mom called and I hurried back to her.

I acted like I haven’t saw anything. Mom will pinch me if she finds out.

After a few minutes, the priest that Mom wants to meet approached us. I froze when I saw the priest who presided the misa de gallo.

“Good morning Father, here take this. This is all for you here.” Mom smiled and the priest was shocked but he smiled too.

“Wow. Thank you Ma’am, it’s so kind of you. God bless you.” Then he shakes my Mom’s hands and smiled.

“Uh, Father, I just want to ask if my daughter can join the Parish Ministry. She is a good commentator.” “Oh, sure Ma’am. Let me get the form in my office.”

I was even more shocked when he entered the room I entered earlier. My mother followed him and so I, who have no choice, followed them too.

“Well, here is your form” and handed me the paper, “Uh, thank you Father….” I hesitated stating his name because in the first place I do not know for sure.

“Fr. Gallo.” He smiled. I couldn’t believe it!

“Fr. Gallo? So you’re the…” I stuttered so he finished my sentence.

I couldn't believe what I saw. At first, I was expecting that the new priest is the mayor's son, which is I eavesdropped from that 2 ladies from the delicacy stalls.

“Yes, and this is Fr. Mar.” He pointed the photo of the newly ordained priest and the old priest.

I looked at the photo and saw a bunch of happiness and pride. Everything from the homily ran around my flattered brain.

“I am Rev. Fr. Gallo de Mesa. Nice to meet you.”

He extended his hands and shook mine. I couldn't even move a nerve. I can't believe that the boy in the homily is the priest telling the story.

"It is an honor meeting you Fr. Gallo! My name is Sahleira and I was totally moved by your story."

I don't know if I said it right but I saw he smiled. My poor brain couldn't even process what's going on. Words stutter themselves whenever I try to compose a sentence. Paragraphs wind their ways to hide whenever I try to say it.

"Well, that will be an honor. I don't know how to react. It's just that, I told it with all my heart. That would be a great honor to be God's instrument." He answered. I was amazed if how composed and calm he is. (Yes, calm- like a true calm. Not that calm like Dumbledore asking Harry Potter if he put his name in the goblet of fire. Ha ha ha just kidding.)

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