Chapter 12

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                     Marks of Truth.

"Okay then."

I followed Mom and we went to the convent. I haven’t moved on to the priest’s story and now Mom wants to hurt me even more by going in there.

We entered the convent and some other altar servers greeted us. (They look cute, though.)

“Uh, excuse me hijo, do you know the priest who presided the mass earlier?” Mom asked the altar servers.

“Oh yes, Ma’am! It’s Fr. De Mesa. Hmmmm. Just wait here Ma’am, I will call him for you.” Mom smiled and answered, “So kind of you. Thank you so much.”

I roamed my eyes in the wall of the convent. Some paintings of The Last Supper, photos of the bishop and the pope and the priests caught my eye.
“Woah! This convent seems like the age of my Grandpa. But it’s quite interesting.”

I giggled and walked on to see more. In the left corner, I saw an open door and I saw a small table, like an office table. “No, Sahleira. Don’t go in there.” I whispered to myself. But I was too curious so I walked in.

"Looks so manly. So clean. I wonder who's office is this. I hope my room would look like this, too." I commented. I look at the very intricate classic design of the room. All in white, it seems so pure and clean.

“Rev. Fr. Gallo De Mesa” I read as my eyes got stuck at the neatly, organized table. Never in my poor mind did a single idea of the name crossed. "Looks so old. But uh, sorry. Ah, it's just that I never heard a name like yours. Uh so sorry Fr." I awkwardly explained.

I was so sorry for being that judgemental. I moved next to the table with some photos on it. "Now that is really cool!" Looks like I'm a dumb girl here.

Maybe this priest favorite color is blue. Blue notebook, blue curtain, blue chair, blue ballpen. “Oops that’s enough.”

I went to see some frames in the blue table and saw some photos of a priest with his altar servers and a family picture. On the next frame, I saw a photo of an ordained priest with another priest.

“That was sweet.” I whispered. The old priest looks so proud of him. There’s even a poem dedicated to the one of them on the lower corner of the frame. “Woah. Brilliant!

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