Chapter 15

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Symphony of His greatness.

"Dad! Luke!" I rushed to them and hugged them. Mom looks so astonished but she hugged us as well.

"We've got you your favorites! Come on, let's get inside." Mom exclaimed.

"Smells like my favorite bibingka...but I prefer my favorite person." Dad teased and he then hugged and kissed Mom. I covered Luke's eyes and we walked towards the table.

Christmas indeed is the best time of the year. It opens your eyes to the wonders of kindness; it introduces your ears to the stories of love and compassion; it spreads your arms to the truth behind unity in diversity and it touches your hearts to feel God's immense power.

See, God moves in mysterious ways. we don't really understand what is the reason of all these things happening around us or even at us, He knows the plans He has for you. You just need to break the ice and take the first step. This made me realize that happiness does not rely on the latest gadget, the most expensive belongings. Happiness can be found inside us and that is our faith in God because even when you have the luxury of life, there is an empty space in your heart and in your life that only God can fill. and when you accept God in your life, He will embrace you with arms wide open and say, "Hello, welcome home."


(Thank you for reading my story! I love you from the bottom of my heart. May the stars shine the brightest in your hearts. All the love!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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