Chapter 5

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                     Tale of the tales.

“Benedicamus Domino." The priest began.

"What makes you happy? The source of joy and gratitude? In our country, we somehow define happiness as “happy hour”. Be it a table full of delicious foods; a bucket of cold drinks; a walk with someone you love; or the Friday night out!

To the students who are attending the mass today, maybe your answers would be, “Yes! No class for today. Or maybe, I’ll do the project for you.”

Mom looked at me like I was the student that the priest is referring to. (Mom, I'm a good girl. Don't do that to me huhuhu) I don't know if she's looking at me just to check whether I am paying attention or not but Mom, that hurts! (Kidding aside. I love you Mom.)

"To the employees, maybe your answer is “Yey! It’s payday!” And to the kids and grannies, maybe your answers are “Wow new toy!? Or 'Woah, new mug collection.'

Allow me to define this happiness like Mary in today’s Gospel. Her Magnificat that sings how great our God is. This is not about her great ness as a person but on how the Lord favoured her; choosing the lowly, making her life so blessed out of mercy. Let me tell you a story of God’s mercy and favoured to an innocent child.” The priest narrates.

This priest looks and talks so unusual. I can see his having a different accent but he looks so smart and gentle.

I can see the people attending the mass really listening and paying attention to what the new priest is saying.

"Now, listen." I told myself.

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