4 : Shitty Emotions

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She had never asked about my home, she'd told me all I needed to know about hers. I felt selfish

"Africa is my own piece of heaven" I responded remembering Gavin's words. Technically it's was half the truth but I still have wonderful moments there

She smiled "there are various ways of life there, different way of fashion and dressing, the culture is rich and the foods are unique"

"The skin colour is what I love the most" I whispered to myself than to her. She heard anyway

"You are different you know, I didn't actually see your hair until we were already on the ship. Your hair is like theirs and I like it but you look white"

I signed "my hair is my pride, all African women hair is their pride, you see this..." I pointed to my hair "is my identity to other Africans their skin colour is their identity"

I told her about myself, how I never knew my father. I didn't tell her about the racism the white people cause and how I became receiving end of their anger, I even skipped my tough times. All I hope is that am seen differently in this new world.

I stood on the deck after a long conversation with Maria on a beautiful bright day. The air smelt of the coming rain.

The first time the rain had came I had been scared with the fear of sinking and drowning. Those thoughts eventually erased.

"Miss bell" Gavin called
He's standing on a stair of some sort

"Mister Gavin"
He walked down the stairs to face me.

Oh how I have missed those green eyes of his

"I have no book to share again, you have read all"

I smiled "yeah I guess you can call me a book worm" I joked hoping he would smile so I can see those white teeth of his. He doesn't disappoint
"Aye" the accent came out sweetly

"I wish I could speak like you"

He smiled again "learning is a gradual process"

We stared at each other, unspoken words hanging in the air, he cleared his throat rubbing the back of his neck. I on the other hand was already nervous.

There you have it, I left my feminist power and idea of being tough to emotions and my self control at the shores of Africa.

The tension between us was thick you could literally touch it, of course I'm sure am the only one who felt it. He appeared to look cool and normal.

We eventually move to sit on a deckchair. "The sea is beautiful" I commented looking at the vast spread of water. It looks as though dry land was a myth.

"So is Africa" Gavin said
I turned to face him, he brought out a box and began to arrange it on the table.

"This wasn't my first visit, I came four years ago"

"I see you love to explore"

"Aye, exploring and discovering new things is my major"

I eyed him wanting to know more

"What are you.....a sailor" I asked, Maria already told me he's a royal. I wanted to hear from him himself

"I'm many things"

I licked my dry lips "what do you do"
He chuckled and brush it off

"I do like to talk to beautiful ladies from Africa" he said and my face flushed, he was literally joking as he started laughing. There was a permanent upward curve to his lips and his perpetual happiness was contagious.

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