Chapter 2

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Dottie's eyes widened, and she momentarily forgot about packing while Anya dropped all the juicy gossip about her new boss.

"I can't believe Peggy's engaged...." Dottie didn't normally read thrashy tabloids, but she couldn't help scanning through the article, starting with the full-page photograph of Peggy's fiancée.

Celeb Gossip
Here's the scoop, hot off the presses! Insider sources tell us Margaret Carter and old flame Whitney Frost, pictured above, are officially tying the knot this summer!
Friends close to the couple say they've been enjoying their time together as the 'it' couple of the business world, attending many red carpet events side by side....
And now it's time to take their relationship to the next level in what some are calling 'a huge surprise'!
We reached out to the happy couple, but they declined our request for comment. Maybe they're still prepping their 'official' announcement, but until then.... you can read all about it here at the CG!

"Dot, are you okay?"

"So what? This changes nothing. Engaged isn't married. I still have some time to work my magic."

"Ruthless. You should confront her."

"Over what? This all but confirms nothing happened. Let's just focus on packing." Dottie started to aggressively wrap fragile items in bubble wrap, telling herself it was fine and she really didn't care. 'So what if Peggy's engaged? It's none of my business.' But deep down, her heart said different.


Later that morning, Dottie returned to the Carter residence to find a congenial older man waiting for her in the lobby.

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Miss Underwood. I'm Edwin Jarvis, the Carter family driver. I'll be at your service today to assist with your move."

"Wow, I've never had my own personal driver before."

Edwin smiled and hoisted all of her bags and lead her across the lobby up to the penthouse. "I hope you enjoy it here. Ms. Carter spoke highly of you this morning. Said she feels you're the perfect addition to the family."

"Thanks, Mr. Jarvis. I really appreciate that."

Edwin gave her a nod before leaving. Dottie took in a deep breath and tried to clear her head of the engagement drama as she unpacked. Dottie just picked up some of lingerie when she heard a knock and Peggy poked her head in through the open door with a smile.

"I trust you're settling in okay?"

"Peggy! I didn't expect to see you until later." Dottie jumped, suddenly acutely aware of the delicate clothing still in her grip. Dottie smirked at her, running her fingers through the delicate silk 'absentmindedly' as she talked to her. "But I'm settling in just fine."

Peggy's eyes lingered on Dottie's hands before sliding back up to her face. She cleared her throat. "....Good, good. Glad to hear it."

Peggy shook herself from her reverie when Dottie finally dropped her lingerie into a drawer.

"Um, I really hate to do this to you last minute, but I was called in to handle an emergency at the office. Can you watch the boys today?"

'An 'emergency', huh? I wonder is this has to do with her engagement leaking to the press....'

"I hope it's nothing to serious."

"Just a little PR nightmare to start the weekend. Nothing I can't handle."

"Oh yeah? I find it hard to picture anything you can't.... handle."

"Oh? Have you been picturing me a lot?"

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