Chapter 10

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Dottie's heart was beating out of her chest when Angie walked in on her and Peggy in a rather.... compromising position.

"Angie, what are you doing here? And w- why is Whitney calling you?" Peggy stammered.

"She was looking for you. Do I even want to know what you two were up to?"

"We were just.... working!" Dottie answered.

"You do know you don't actually work here, right Dottie?"

"Peggy was showing me the prototypes. That counts as work...."

"We don't need to explain ourselves to you, Angie. Did you finish the press release for the LA breach?"

"I've been a little busy, but apparently I'm not the only one."

"Enough. If you have something to say, say it. If not, then get back to work." Peggy demanded.

Angie stormed towards the exit.... but paused at the door. "I almost forgot. Whitney had a message for you, Dottie. She said since you were doing this office tour today, you should come to our company picnic this weekend."

"Really? I thought she wanted me fired."

"It's probably a 'keep your enemies closer' type of thing. She already told Mom and Dad about the invite, so they're expecting you there." Angie walked out of the lab without a second glance.

Peggy sighed and turned to Dottie. "Are you okay?"

"Peggy, I can handle Angie. I'm not worried about her. It's not like she actually saw anything incriminating."

Peggy nodded, her eyes searching Dottie's expression. "You don't have to come to the picnic, you know."

Something about the tone of Peggy's voice made Dottie pause. 'Does she not want me there?'

"If you.... think it's best I don't-" Dottie moved away, but Peggy reached out to put a hand on her arm. Dottie turned toward her, but avoided her gaze.

"That's not what I meant. I want you there. Against my better instincts.... I always want you wherever I am."

Dottie finally looked up, her breath catching as she met her gaze. "Okay then. I'll be there."


Finally, the day of the company picnic arrived. Dottie rifled through her things, trying to find the right outfit. 'Okay, I give up. I have no idea what to wear to an event like this.' As if on cue, she heard the pattering of feet running down the hallway. She turned just in time to see the boys appear at her door, holding a bag.

"Dottie, we got you something!" Mikey said, handing her the bag.

"Mom said we could surprise you with something for the picnic."

"Did she now?" Dottie opened the bag to find a cute, summery outfit, perfect for a day in the sun. Dottie went and changed in the bathroom and then came back to show off her new look for the boys. "What do you think?"

"No idea! We don't know anything about fashion." Mikey said.

"But you seem to like it, so we do too!"

Dottie laughed as she wrapped them in a big hug. They hugged her back, then jumped as someone knocked on her door.

"Dottie, have you seen the boys-"

"Mom, look! Dottie's wearing the outfit we picked out!"

"Oh, wow. You look.... nice." Peggy swallowed.

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