Chapter 15

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This chapter contains talk of extremely violent and disturbing child abuse and talk of some animal abuse. The talk starts at the first ^•*•*•*•^ and ends at the following ^•*•*•*•^


After her first full day in Italy, Dottie was getting ready for the beach with the others.... after updating Anya on last night's events.


RIGHT? Idk how I played it off after I saw those texts last night
I don't think she thinks I know

Whatcha gonna do about it?

I should tell Peggy.... right?
Or does it seem like I'm tattling or something?

I don't think Peggy would see it that way....
But someone else might
Their engagement involves lots of ppl
Like.... her parents could easily get the wrong impression

Especially if something ever DOES happen between me and Peg for real

Sounds like you need proof 🔍
Until then.... waiting it out sounds like your best bet

I needed an outside perspective.... especially before beach day.

I always got your back 💞

Dottie put her phone away and started to look through her suitcase for something to wear, feeling better now that she talked it out with Anya.

"Peggy, what do you think of my new swimsuit? Tres chic, non?"

Dottie glanced out the window and saw Whitney in the courtyard, showing off her one-piece. Dottie turned away before she could hear Peggy's response.

"Ew, cheetah print." Dottie shivered. "If Whitney thinks she could be fashionable in that, just wait until they see me in this."

Dottie put on a crimson red bikini with black laced accents and smiled at herself in the mirror. She frowned when she saw the scars on her torso and wrists, but quickly pushed away the repressed childhood memories and smiled at the thought of Peggy's reaction to seeing her in this. "Peg.... get ready to eat your heart out."

Soon, Dottie and the rest of the family were driving through a town towards the coast.

"I'm glad you were able to join us in Italy, Jeeves. The past few days just haven't felt the same without you."

"It's my pleasure, Miss Underwood.... although I am grateful Ms. Carter gave me the time off to visit my family."

"Please, Mr. Jarvis. With how much you do for my family, it was the least I could do."

"Do you think we'll find any crabs at the beach?" Eddie asked Dottie.

"Maybe. I bet there's all kinds of sea life just waiting for us." Dottie said and her eyes shifted over to Whitney, who was being suspiciously quiet as her fingers flew over her phone. Dottie inconspicuously snuck a peek at what she was doing.

Now's not a good time, omw to the beach w/her

"Hey, Whitney.... are you still working? What's cooking at Frost Industries? I hope it's not an employee acting in bad faith...."

"I'm not really involved in day-to-day management.... but no, I'm just texting a friend." Whitney then lowered her voice so only Dottie could hear. "What about you? Dressing up for someone important under that cover-up?"

Bad Idea!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang