Chapter 8

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One week later, Anya visited to help Dottie get ready for the Carters' country club garden party.

"Peggy said her parents wanted to meet me. Can you believe it? It's the perfect opportunity to turn them against Whitney!"

"I like the way you think, Dottie. If you can turn the senior Mr. and Mrs. Carter to your side, then Whitney won't stand a chance."

"I just have to make sure my first impression is flawless."

"That's what I'm here for. Show me whatcha got."

Dottie and Anya dug through her closet, picking out dress after dress. After a few minutes, Anya pulled out a long, floral sundress with a touch of elegance. "Ooooo, this one speaks to me! Her parents will love you in it. Not to mention, you'll totally fit in at a country club."

"Let me try it on." Dottie quickly changed and spun around so Anya could get the full view, the skirt billowing as she did. "Well?"

"Even I want you to be my daughter-in-law in that dress. You'll have them asking 'Whitney who?' by the end of the night."

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Peggy poked her head through. "You ready to go, Dottie?"

Peggy's eyes widened as she took her in form head to toe. "Wow, you look...."

"Gorgeous? Radiant? Stunning?" Anya completed.

"Oh hello, I didn't realise you had company."

"I'm Anya, Dottie's younger sister and best friend."

"And she was just helping me get ready. Thanks again, Anya."

"Trust me, it was my pleasure. I'll get out of your hair. Good luck." Anya waited until Peggy's back was turned, then gave Dottie a look and fanned herself before leaving. Dottie was still shaking her head as she followed Peggy to the car.

Soon, they're headed upstate to the Carters' country club. Dottie is in the backseat with the twins, trying not to notice how distracted Peggy is in the front seat with Whitney.

"Dottie, do you think they'll have fish eggs at the club again?"

"Yeah, last time we did this experiment-"

"Uh, let's not do any experiments, okay? It's an important day for your mom."

"But it's just Grandma and Grandpa?"

Dottie tried to focus on Eddie and Mikey, but Peggy's whispered conversation with Whitney drifts back to her.

"You know how my parents feel about tabloids. They're not going to happy that our engagement leaked like that."

"I don't get what the big deal is. It's not like they didn't want us to get married."

Dottie glanced over to the boys, who were busy pointing out the window as they turned off the highway.

"Just because they're being polite doesn't mean they aren't pissed too. You don't know my parents like I do. Image is what matters to them."

"I can't imagine a more perfect image than two people from impeccable families coming together, can you?"

"No one is above reproach. Our engagement was announced via tabloid. I can't say it enough."

"But Angie's ex-girlfriend can crash New Year's, grab the mic, and tell her off in front of the entire country club?"

"They've always held me to a different standard than Angie. You know that."

"Well, it sounds to me like you're overreacting."

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