Chapter 13

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The morning after the gala, Dottie stood in the kitchen, doing her best to pretend like it was just another day. She poured herself a fresh cup of coffee while the boys ate their wheat germ oatmeal at the counter.

"Sorry about your breakfast, boys, but it's the best I could do with Whitney's new diet guidelines."

"It might not be so bad if it came with a side of bacon." Mikey hinted.

"I don't think even that would help. Besides, Aunt Whitney got rid of all our bacon, remember?"

"Good morning."

Dottie tried not to blush as Peggy entered the room. Just the sound of her voice was enough to bring the memories of the previous night rushing back. '....Tell me what you imagine when you touch yourself at night, Dottie. Do you think of me?' and 'Are you sure you want to do this?' and she definitely couldn't forget 'Dottie!'

"Dottie? Are you alright?"

Dottie shook herself out of her reverie and turned to Peggy. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired. I didn't get much sleep last night, hence the coffee." Dottie raised her mug to prove her point and watch Peggy closely, trying to gauge her reaction.

"We shouldn't have stayed at the gala for so long. I apologize for keeping you out late."

"I'm tired too! Can I have coffee?"

"I don't think you'd much like it, Mikey. It's pretty bitter."

Dottie glanced at the boys and then back at Peggy, dropping her voice to a whisper. "Can we talk later?"

Peggy stiffened, keeping her eyes glued on the boys. "....Yes. Later."

Dottie noted the emphasis on the word, but before she could respond, Peggy poured herself a cup of coffee and headed to her home office. Dottie watched her retreating back, trying to ignore the pain in her heart.

After breakfast, Dottie helped the boys get ready for the day when Peggy knocked on their door.

"I'm about to go into the office, but I wanted to talk to you first."

Dottie's heart fluttered at the declaration.... until she realized Peggy was talking to the boys. 'Get it together, Dottie. Now is definitely not an appropriate time to talk about last night's raunchier festivities.' Peggy took a seat, then cleared her throat as Mikey and Eddie put their arms around her.

"What's wrong, Mom? You look sad...."

"I'm not.... sad. I just know you're not going to like what I have to say."

"Then you just gotta rip it off. Like a Band-Aid."

"Right, like a Band-Aid." Peggy took a deep breath. "I have to go Italy for a business trip.... as soon as possible."

"What? You're fleeing the country, just like that?" Dottie cut in.

Peggy shot a glare at Dottie. "I wouldn't call it 'fleeing'. Stark Enterprises has been in negotiations for months, and after the LA breach.... well, my dad just doesn't trust anyone else to handle it."

"What about us?" Eddie asked.

"Aunt Whitney isn't staying here, is she?"

"No, she'll be in Italy with me. But don't worry, you won't be alone. You'll have Dottie and Mr. Jarvis."

She could feel Peggy's gaze turn to her, but Dottie was more focused on the twins, trying to stay upbeat.

"Let's not overreact here. It's just a flight and some meetings, right? I bet your mom will be back before you know it."

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