Chapter 19

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A/n: So basically a lot of stuff goes down in this chapter and secrets are revealed. Please don't hate me even though you'll probably really want to 🥺


Dottie blinked up at Peggy, sure she'd misheard her. "What did you just say?"

"I said I'm going to break up with Whitney."

"Peggy, there's so many reasons that is a bad idea. First off, your wedding is in two days! Everyone's already here. Your parents were mad enough about missing your engagement party. Speaking of your parents, they will literally disown you. The boys will be left with nothing. Not to mention, Whitney will expose us and ruin you. She won't stop until there's nothing left."

Peggy swallowed hard and shook her head. "I'm not about to be spending my life with the wrong person to avoid inconveniencing some schedules, Dottie. We'll figure it out. The accident showed me what's really important. Life is too short to keep worrying about everything else."

Dottie looked deep into her eyes and saw nothing but sincerity. Her heart leapt with excitement, and she allowed to indulge herself in the fantasy for a moment. "That means we can finally stop hiding and be a real family. I've always felt so close to the boys. Now, we can start to make it official-"

Suddenly, they heard Eddie's laughter out in the hallway, cutting her off. Whitney called back. "I'm going to catch you! Mwahaha!"

"Not Monster Whitney! Avenge me, Admiral Mikey!"

Dottie closed her eyes as the giggles washed over her, bringing clarity with them. 'If Whitney is willing to fully commit to them.... to end her fling and actually play with the boys.... Can I really be the one to get in the way of that? After everything Eddie and Mikey already lost?'

"Dottie?" Peggy's voice pulled her back into reality. As she looked into her eyes, the sparkle suddenly seemed naïve, not excited. And Dottie knew what she had to do.

"Are you okay? Do we need to take you back to the hospital?" Peggy reached out to cup Dottie's cheeks.

Dottie shook her head and blinked back tears, taking in the last remaining moments she had with her. 'One last time with her. Then it's over.... for good.'

"Kiss me." Dottie wrapped her arms around Peggy's neck and drew her lips to hers. They felt softer, warmer than ever before. Maybe because she knew their days were numbered.

Peggy kissed down her neck, nipping and biting playfully as Dottie pulled her body over her. Peggy's tongue dipped below Dottie's neckline, teasing what was to come before trailing back up to her lips.

"Is this okay?" Peggy asked, her hands ghosting up Dottie's sides, close but careful not to touch. "Are you still sore from the accident?"

"A little, but I don't care. I need you."

Her eyes darkened with desire, but she still hesitated. "Tell me if I hurt you."

Dottie nodded. "Just let me touch you."

"I'm all yours, Dottie."

Dottie's hands moved over her breasts, marvelling at the perfection of her body. Dottie's hand slipped beneath the fabric of her blouse and teased her with her fingers, thrilling against the way Peggy moaned her name.

"Dottie...." She reached down to lift her skirt up around her hips.

"Eager, are you?"

"I can't help it. You make me an impatient woman."

Dottie smiled and leaned in to kiss her as her fingers slipped into her panties. "Damn, you're always so wet."

"Only.... for you...."

Bad Idea!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt