Chapter 4

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Dottie watched as Peggy's fiancée swept into the penthouse like she owned the place.

"Uh, come in...."

"I'm Whitney Frost, Frost Industries. As the new maid, you'll probably be seeing my here a lot and-"

"I'm not a maid. I'm Dottie Underwood, the boys' nanny."

"Oh. Well, in any case...." Whitney gave her a meaningful look, clearly expecting her to get out of her way.

"Uh, it's weird Peggy didn't invite you to her birthday dinner."

"I'm sure she would've if she'd known I was in town."

"She didn't call and check?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but we talked last night. I just hadn't decided to come back yet."

"Right, sorry. I didn't mean to pry...."

"You did, but I understand. Someone like you can't help but be interested in the lifestyles of the rich and famous." Whitney pushed her way past, heading straight for the dining room.

"Whitney? What are you doing here?" Peggy asked, looking extremely surprised.

"Happy birthday!" Whitney greeted Peggy with a kiss on the cheek, then offered her a small velvet box.

"A diamond bracelet? Thank you, it's lovely."

'And boring. Peggy already has, like, a hundred of those.'

"Only the best for my boo-bear." Whitney said and reached out to tousle Eddie's hair. He stiffened in his chair. "Aren't you happy to see me, Mikey? I brought presents for you boys too!"

"I'm Eddie." He scowled.

"That's what I said. How would you like a new watch? It's Armani! I got a matching one for you too, Mikey."

"Thanks, just what I always wanted." Mikey growled.

"You have good taste." Whitney said, obviously oblivious.

'Has she ever been around kids before?'

"What a thoughtful gift, Whitney. Armani timepieces might be a little mature for them, but that's something we can discuss later."

"You're never too young to become a style icon." Whitney said, moving to sit in the open seat --Dottie's seat-- when she noticed her still standing there. "Well? Aren't you going to clean up the dishes?"

"Like I told you before, I'm not the maid. And even if I was, that's not how you speak to other people."

"Semantics. If you're not going to clean, then you're dismissed."

"Whitney, you can't just-" Peggy began, but was cut off.

"Oooh, Peggy, you'll never guess who was in first class with me on my flight!"

"-talk to-"

"Marina Diamandis! Can you believe it? Now there's a style icon. She...."

Peggy tried to cut in again, but Whitney talked right over her. She gave Dottie and apologetic look and mouthed 'I'm sorry.' Whitney was still yammering on as Dottie started to back towards the door.

She returned to her room and plopped on her bed, still unsure of what just happened. She pulled out her phone to text the one person she knew would understand.

Omg Whitney is here


She dropped in unannounced during Peggy's bday dinner
She's.... a LOT
You should've seen the way she was treating everyone🙄
She LITERALLY called me the help

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