Chapter 12

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WARNING: There's an NSFW scene at the end of this chapter. Content may not be suited for some viewers. If you don't want to read that scene, skip to where it says, "Slowly but surely, the outside world soon came back into focus." That is the paragraph after the scene and you can read from there.


On the night of the gala, Peggy was standing in Dottie's doorway, who was having a hard time believing what she was hearing.

"Will you be my date to the gala?"

"What happened to Whitney?"

"She can't make it. She came down with a bad case of food poisoning."

"Oh.... Is it a good idea for me to take her place? Don't you think we'd be tempting fate? Or at least each other?"

Peggy's eyes roamed her body and Dottie was suddenly acutely aware of how tight her top was. "Yes, definitely. But I can't seem to help myself. Besides, it was Whitney's idea."


"She said you'd know what to do, since you helped her prepare. And it was 'uncouth' for Stark Enterprises to have an empty seat at the table."

Dottie felt a fluttering in her chest that felt a lot like hope, but.... "What about the boys? We can't leave them by themselves."

"Mr. Jarvis already said he can keep an eye on them."

"Okay, but...." Dottie's mind raced to come up with another reason, yet she couldn't.... but somewhere deep down, she knew there was no turning back if she gave in. "I don't think it's a good idea for me to go. Wouldn't it look just as bad if you brought your nanny over your fiancée?"

Peggy's eyes darkened as she looked into her eyes. "What's life without a couple.... bad ideas every now and then?"

"Peggy.... I'm out of excuses."

"You don't need an excuse. I don't want to force you into something you don't want to do...."

"Oh, I do want this. That's the problem. If we do this, I'm worried we can't undo it."

Peggy stepped forward, reaching out to cup Dottie's cheek, who couldn't help but lean into her touch.

"I don't know what the future holds for us, Dottie. But I do know this: I'm a selfish woman. And I want one night.... this night with you." Peggy dropped her hand back to her side. "But only if you want it too."

Dottie took a deep breath, quieting the warning voice in the back of her mind. 'I'm selfish too.' "I want it. I want you."

"Then I'm yours."

"So.... what exactly does one wear to a fancy event like this?"

"Funny you should ask.... I thought our attire could complement each other's tonight." Peggy presented her with a stunning gold gown that glittered like hers as it caught the light.

"It's beautiful...."

"You're beautiful. Doesn't matter what you wear. But I do think you'd look particularly stunning in this." Peggy flashed her a mischievous grin before excusing herself to give Dottie privacy to change.

Dottie put it on and looked at herself in the mirror. She stared at the V-neck that fell all the way to the decorative belt around her waist, the slit over her right leg that showed just enough to make Peggy positively drool. She felt like she could hold her own at the party tonight.

Peggy knocked at the door. "You ready?"

"You tell me." Dottie turned so she could take her in from head to toe. Peggy's gaze grew warmer as her eyes wandered up her body, building to a fire by the time she reached Dottie's face.

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