Chapter 18

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A/n: Sorry if my Italian is a little incorrect this chapter. It's been a hot minute since I last studied it.


One week later, Dottie was on duty as Whitney's maid of honour, helping her pick out china patterns for the reception.

"....These all look the same to me."

"Really? But they're so different!"

Dottie sighed, looking at the options in front of her again. "I like the white one with the flowers. A traditional pattern for a traditional couple."

"It does have a classic elegance to it. Good choice." Whitney flagged down a saleswoman to discuss the details, and Dottie slump back in her chair. 'I wonder if Angie's faring any better as Peggy's maid of honour.... Oh, who am I kidding? Of course she is. She's with Peggy and I'm stuck here. And they get to plan the fun stuff, like the wedding band.'

Dottie's phone buzzed in her pocket, and she was beyond relieved to see a notification from Peggy.

Quick question: is a zydeco band too much for the reception?
Be honest

Wtf is zydeco

You know, that sweet, sweet blend of jazz and blues
Started in Louisiana
Heavily features piano accordion 🎹

Imma go out on a limb here and say Whitney will say hell no

Sigh.... you're right as usual
Guess it's a good thing we went with a regular old fashioned string quartet 🎻

So you're all done for the day?

Yeah just got back to the villa after dropping Angie off


Is Whitney behaving herself on your end?

As if on cue, Whitney's raised voice broke through Dottie's focus, and she looked up. "What do you mean you don't have one hundred place settings of this pattern in stock? My wedding is in three days!"


That bad?

I wish I was back at the villa with you
The saleswoman probably does too tbh

Idk about the saleswoman
But I def wish you were here
It's too quiet rn with the boys napping

I can think of a few ways to pass the time 😉

It's not as fun without you though

I could always send a pic to help things along....


Only if you send one back 😘

I'm game if you are

Dottie put her phone down for a second and took a deep, calming breath. Whitney was still arguing with the saleswoman, and it didn't look like it would be resolved anytime soon.

So naturally, Dottie waved at Whitney to catch her attention. "I have to take a phone call, do you mind?"

"Do whatever. Can't you tell I'm in the middle of a negotiation? I need complete focus."

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