Chapter 8: Tickle Me Pale

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Author's Note:

Any bold lines or paragraphs will represent Jay journaling throughtout the next several chapters, and any italicized lines will be flashbacks of the past.


Everything is just so...I don't know. Nothing is making sense to me anymore. Like, I thought I knew what I was doing. I thought that I met a normal guy and was going to have a normal relationship and just be normal. Is that too much to ask for? Instead, I have this perfect, mature guy that makes me feel like a child sometimes. I mean, it's like he's my boyfriend, my best friend, and my role model at the same time. So maybe smoking isn't exactly the best thing to encourage but ya know what? It's better than pressuring me into having sex with him like every other man on this planet...what am I supposed to do? It's not like I can just ignore that-

"You are always up so early." Ryan complained groggily from the bed. "Five more minutes?" He put on his best puppy eyes, holding out his arms for me to return to bed. I bit my lip from my position in the floor. Did he have to be so adorable?

"Only if you go get me some water and Ibuprofen first," I compromised. He groaned before sliding out from underneath the sheets and sauntering into the kitchen. "Hey tubby, quit stomping your feet before you cause an earthquake!" I called out. His head popped around the doorway with a raised eyebrow.

"What did you call me?" Oh shit. I could see it on his face. The evil grin, the mischievous eyes, he was about to- I yelped and shot off the floor as he lunged forward. I didn't make it very far, maybe halfway over the bed, before he got ahold of my ankle and flipped me over, pinning me to the mattress. Oh god, that sounds so weird.

"Fat ass." I glared up at him.

"Big talk for such a little boy." He leaned down, eyes locked on mine. His mouth was practically on my own, just hovering there.

"Pedophile." I whispered against his lips. My eyes were dancing with delight as the word sent a chill down his spine. Normally it was enough to throw him off his playful mood, him saying that the word was simply "revolting." This time, he didn't flinch. Instead he leaned in close to my ear, his smile unwavering.

"If that's what you want." Okay, my turn to shiver. Remind me not to play that card again. Abandon ship. White flag. Plead the Fifth. Of course, that wasn't where he was stopping either. In my shock to his response, I'd let my guard down. That's when the tickling started.

Unfortunately, I was stuck. I was still recovering from our own sick humor, he was still holding me down with his own weight, AND I was gasping for air between laughs. It didn't help that I was still half hungover from the previous night, yeah actually that made everything worse.

"I'm-I'm go-I'm gonna-" I couldn't get words out. Luckily, he noticed my eyes shoot to size of baseballs before sprinting to the bathroom. I'll spare you the details. It was horrible. "I hate you." I whined somewhere in the middle of my puking. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him doing something by the sink. I couldn't think at the moment, simply leaning back against the bath tub and closing my eyes.

I heard the toilet flush before a cool wrag was placed on my forehead. An even colder wash cloth dabbed at my face as an arm went around my back. I lazily opened my eyes to see Ryan sitting there with a shirt on and cleaning me up. Of course now he was gonna be the good guy. It's not like he didn't tickle me until I puked. Granted, I called him tubby...and fat....and a pedo....shut up conscience. In his other hand was a glass of water and three small pills. How had he had the time to get all this shit?

"You're evil," I groaned.

"Drink." He wasn't asking or joking, he was telling me. I took a small sip of the water, then another, then a third. "Take these." He handed me the three pills. I can't decide if I like this tone of voice of his. It wasn't exactly bossy and commanding, it wasn't angry or anything like that, but more filled with responsibility. "Breath Blue Jay." That's all it took. My entire body relaxed, leaning into his and resting my head on his shoulder. The previous night had been everything and nothing all wrapped into one.

"Can I stay with you this weekend? Just the two of us?"



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