Helpless (SoKeefe) by @darkstalkerno

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A/N: Before you ask- yes, this is based mostly off of the song from Hamilton, Helpless. Hamilton is not mine in any way, shape or form!

Sophie had never been the type to try and grab the spotlight. However, that night, Biana had dragged her and Linh to a party. The party that would literally change her life. 

She was laughing at Biana taking over the dance floor, dazzling the room. Then, something-or rather, someone, caught her eye. A boy with messy blonde hair, a little smirk, surrounded by some of his friends. She felt her heart (metaphorically) go boom in her chest. After that moment, she tried so hard to grab his attention, even if only for a second. "I'm down for the count and I'm drowning in 'em," Sophie thought, before looking around for him.

Everyone was dancing, plus the band was at top volume, making her goal seem impossible. So, she sat down with Biana, grabbed a drink, (don't worry, they're all 21+) and poured out her feelings to the unsuspecting friend. 

"Hey," Sophie said quietly. Biana turned her head, and put her ear to Sophie's mouth. "This one's mine." she said, pointing at the mysterious boy. 

"Oh, him?" Biana asked. "That's Keefe. Can you hold my drink for a second?" Sophie nodded slowly. Biana walked her way around the room, until finally stumbling upon Keefe. 

The two talked for a while, and with each second, Sophie's hope slowly disappeared. Then, they finally came back.

"Sophie Foster, huh?" Keefe asked confidently.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Sophie responded, flustered as to why Keefe was finally talking to her.

"Foster?" Keefe asked, turning to Biana.

"My best friend!" She exclaimed, grinning at Sophie.

Keefe bent down slowly, and gently kissed Sophie's hand. "If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it will have been worth it." he said, still grinning. Sophie noticed his blush, her eyes widening in surprise and wonder.

Biana laughed. "I'll leave you to it!" she called out, before leaving the two behind.

~One week later~

Sophie was writing letters nightly, sending messages whenever she could. 

"My life gets better each time he writes me!" Sophie exclaimed, holding up a stack of letters addressed to her. Biana giggled beside her. "Hey, what if we formed a harem? You, me, and Keefe?"

Sophie frowned slightly at Biana's question, then giggled. Biana responded, almost bursting out into laughter after saying, "I'm just saying, if you really loved me you would share him."


~Two weeks later~

Sophie was in the living room, listening in to Keefe and Grady's conversation. Grady's face could have been made of stone, because of how still he was. Sophie was terrified of what Grady would say, her heart rate quickening. Keefe, on the other hand, just smiled and laughed along, taking a sip of his drink every now and then. 

Grady made his way across the room to Keefe. Sophie held her hand over her mouth, thinking that she and Keefe were done for. He loomed over the carefree blonde before finally reaching his hand out and saying, "Be true." Keefe looked back at Sophie, his eyes glistening with tears of happiness, smiling widely. 

"When I look into your eyes, the sky's the limit," Sophie breathed out, before pulling him into a kiss. Inside, she was screaming, "That boy is mine! That boy is miiiinnnnnneeeeee!"

Keefe pulled Sophie into another room. "Look, Sophie, I don't have a good reputation, an acre of land, a troop to command, not even a dollop of fame. All I really have is my honor, a tolerance for pain, a few college credits, and my top-notch brain. It's really insane! You and your friends bring out a new side of me! Linh confides in me, Biana tried to take a bite of me." Catching Sophie's dark look, he lifted her head up slightly. "No stress, my love for you is never in doubt! Let's get a place in Eternalia, where we can figure everything out." He took a deep breath, before lowering his voice. 

"I've been living without a real family since I was a child, my mom? She killed, my father forgot, I grew up buck-wild. But, I'll never forget your face when I first saw you. As long as I'm alive Sophie, I swear to god you'll never feel so helpless." Keefe saw her face, and quickly corrected himself. "In a good way, of course." He said, grinning sheepishly.

"Helpless." Sophie repeated, smiling sincerely. "I do, I do, I do, I do, I do!" her brain screamed.


"My life is going fine, all because Sophie's in it." Keefe said, smiling as he stood at the altar. (Is that the right phrase?)

"I look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit, I, I, I'm down for the count and I'm drowning in 'em!" She replied. She looked beside her and saw Keefe, with Biana on her other side, and Edaline and Grady in the crowd. 

"Helpless," Sophie said, before kissing Keefe on the lips in front of the people she loved the most. "What a way to get married," she thought. "It's perfect."

869 words (wow that was long lol)

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