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Geno sat down, and Reaper sat down next to him. She looked at Geno and she tilted her head to the side.

"What is this place Gen?" She asked.

"It's the Save Screen." Geno said.

"As in the Save Screen from a video game?" Reaper asked, moving her legs so that she couldn't touch the small piece of grass.

"Yeah." Geno pointed up, and Reaper looked up, to see the giant yellow letters.

Reaper frowned. "So, why are you here Gen?" She asked, and Geno started to explain, including what Ink had gone to the code of his AU. "And because of him, I can't leave, my AU hasn't ever completed the Timeline with the best ending..."

Reaper frowned. "I might know someone who can deal with the code, and if they can't, I can look into getting you a place in my AU, or bringing things here to break up the Void here..."

"You can do that?" Geno asked.

"My AU really doesn't like Ink, he's actually forbidden from it." Reaper shrugged her shoulders. "I'm sure that they would be happy to help you get out, and if you can't, we can get you things like a bed! It must hurt to lie down on the ground here when you need to sleep!"

Geno couldn't help but to smile.

"And if that doesn't work, I know someone who would be more than happy to get rid of the code, if it means making Ink mad, and it screws up his plans!"

"Really?" Geno asked and Reaper just smiled.

"Yeah, I'm sure that she can help."

Reaper smiled, before she suddenly felt sick.

"Reaper?" Geno asked, right as Reaper started to sway. "Reaps?!"

He caught the tiny Death as she fell.

"Reaps... I like that." Reaper muttered, before everything went dark.


Reaper slowly woke up to find herself in a dark abyss.

"What's going on?" She whispered, hearing her voice echo.

"One more time, I'll be fine... Sometimes Kindness is enough."

She turned around to see what looked like a huge pillar of earth that stood out against the darkness.

She floated over to it, to see that several chains had been attached to the pillar, and all of the chains lead up the pillar.

She followed them, noticing that Gladiolus flowers had grown around the chains, forming flowery chains.

The flowery chains reached the top of the pillar and Reaper gasped at what she saw, for this pillar wasn't the only one with flowery chains. There was another one, on the opposite side, but Reaper couldn't see what flowers they had...

She followed the flowery chains to the middle of the clearing, where they met, and they seemed to be tightly wrapped around a ball of some kind...

She could see that the other flowers were Marigolds, an October birth flower, while the Gladiolus stood for integrity.

But why would those two flowers be here?

Reaper floated closer to what they were wrapped around, but before she could get close enough to see what it was....


She woke up.


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