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No one knew what triggered the end of Error's Insanity...

Or maybe it had something to do with Ink Dusting her...

No one knew... But after Error woke up, after Ink had stabbed her in the Soul, with Broomie... She broke down, and she cried.

A cookie, in the shape of an Axetale Temmie, was pushed into her hand. It was chocolate chip, and fresh from the oven.

Error choked on her sobs... When was the last time that she ate something.... She started to slowly nibble on the Cookie.

"I'm here." The hedgehog gently told them.


"I'm here..." Fire replied, gently walking forward, and allowing herself to appear, and climb onto her friend's lap, with her flames dying, until she looked like she was made out of flames, instead of being a living ball of flames....

"It hurts..."

"I know.. I'm sorry, I can't do anything with you so divided, and Fate keeping such a sharp eye on you." Fire said, nuzzling the other's hand.

"I know...." Error sniffed. "I wanna go home..."

"And we want you to come home." Fire said, she jumped off of the other's lap, and her form twisted into her human form. She still looked like she was made out of flames. Her arms wrapped around Error, sending as much comfort as she could.

Error wrapped an arm around Fire. "I can't stay awake for much longer... It took everything that I had saved up to free this part of me, from their insanity..."

"I know Chaos, I'll be here, even if you can't hear or see me, all the time. And I know where the rest of you is, and by the way... That part of you is floofy." Fire giggled.

Error giggled.

"I have to go..." Fire softly said.

"I know...."

"By the way, welcome to the Error Club Chaos." Fire laughed, as glitches appeared among her form, for a few moments, and then, she vanished.

Error closed her eyes, and she went to sleep.


Error returned to the Anti-Void, after she had dropped the Sans of Reapertale off, at her home.

"I can't believe that Death is that fluffy..."

"Floofy." The hedgehog said.

Error sat down, on a beanbag that she had stolen, and she went back to the jumper that she was knitting. She had noticed that one of the Charas that she cared for, needed a new jumper.

A bowl of cookies, in the shape of save stars, appeared next to her.

She chuckled, and she nibbled on one of them, as she knitted the jumper.

"Be careful with the next AU, it's code is very damaged and corrupted... there... are glitches..." The hedgehog told her.

"Okay... I'll be careful."

"And be careful, paint boy will be there." The hedgehog warned her.

"I know..." Error looked at her broken arm.

"Eat the red cookie." The hedgehog said. "It will shorten your healing time."

Error ate the red cookie, and she smiled.

You Are An Error Now ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now