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The portal took Geno to a path that led to a mansion, in the middle of a dark cave.

He could hear gravel crunching underneath his slippers, as he walked. He needed to get out of this cave... He needed to find Reaper.... And to do that, he needed the help of those living in this mansion, they must know how to get out of the cave....

He could see that the glitches had returned, over his melted eyesocket, and even if the wound across his chest couldn't kill him, he knew that it would remain open, and he would be bleeding from it.... It wouldn't kill him, but it wouldn't stay closed, when it was healed.

He walked up to the door, and he knocked on it.


Papyrus opened the door. He was hoping that it was his Sister, but instead, he found a wounded Skeleton, but he wasn't dying...

"Invite him in!" Fire hissed.

Papyrus jumped, and he looked around. He knew that voice... That was the voice that played with his Sister.

Geno frowned. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Papyrus was about to answer, when Gaster showed up.

"Geno! We've been waiting for you! Come in!" The God of Magic invited Geno into their home. He was excited... He was finally here! The answers to their prayers!

"Huh.. can Gaster even hear me?" Fire muttered, it was always a toss up with a Gaster.

Geno looked at Papyrus, and he entered the mansion, to follow the Gaster. This Gaster was different from his Gaster, and he had met the Papyrus... Where was the Sans?

He got his answer when Gaster lead him into a living room, and he pulled out a photo album. "Would you like to hear stories about my children?"

"Dad!" The Papyrus yelled.

"Grim!" The Gaster yelled.

Geno laughed, this was hilarious.

"This isn't the time for this Dad! Reaper's missing!" Grim yelled.

Geno froze... This was Reaper's family?!

He looked at them.

And he coughed.

"Can I ask a question?" He asked them, and they nodded their heads.

"Why is your Toriel a fucking bitch, and why does she hate Reaps?"

They froze, and they looked at Geno.

"Life was given orders not to leave her garden..." Gaster growled.

"Yeah tough, she danced off like a crazy, kidnapped Reaper, and then, she wondered off again, leaving Reaps trapped." Fire muttered.

Everyone heard Fire.

"LIFE DID WHAT?!" Gaster, and Grim, yelled.

Geno winced. "And I saw her kidnap Reaps..."

"Wow, Fate must be really out of it if Gaster can hear me..." Fire mused.

Gaster growled. "Life must have taken my daughter to her garden... Come with us Geno."

Geno nodded his head, as Gaster opened a portal, and they walked through it, together.

The portal took them to a grand palace, and Gaster quickly walked to an huge circular hall.

Geno could see that the large bench that followed the wall of the hall, was broken up by the doors that they had just come through, and a throne, with a desk in front of it.

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