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Okay, so while Reaper ended up in 'Soulless no More', Gen ended up in the Multiverse of Repent, which is owned by Firehedgehog.


Gen groaned, when he felt something poking him.

"Wakey, wakey... sleep ground bad!" Goth cheered.

He opened his good eye, to look at the owner of that voice.

"Hi!" The babybones said, seeing the Momma look alike wake up.

Gen groaned, and he slowly sat up, holding a hand, to his head.

"Gothy where are you... oh no..." A voice said... It was a very familiar voice....

Gen froze, that was his voice, and he looked in the direction that it had come from.

The local Geno facepalmed, why was this his life?

Gen was confused, the last thing that he remembered was falling into a pit, with Reaps in his arms...

Wait... His arms were empty....

"Reaps?!" He yelled, as he got up. "Reaps! Where are you?! Reaper?!"

"Mama!" Goth cried, scared at the sudden movements, and Geno quickly picked up his shin.

"It will be okay Goth." He told the tiny Skeleton.

"Now.. calm down, you're scaring Gothy. Let's get you to my house, we can look for your friend there, okay?" Geno gently suggested, to Gen.

Gen had a worried look on his face. "But Reaper's hurt... Her legs... They were broken.. And they weren't healed properly, and I was running away, from the one that did it to her, after I saved her, with her in my arms..."

"Panic won't help her... and since I'm the only Geno of this Multiverse, that means you're a visitor from another Multiverse. If your Reaps is here, my Reaper will be able to check for her." Geno told him.

Gen looked at him. "Your Reaper can look for mine?" He asked him.

"There is only one Reapertale per Multiverse, and thus, only one Grim and Reaper. This means that they can easily check for death energy that is not their own.." Geno explained, but Reaper's explanation had been very long winded.

"What kind of Timeline does your Reapertale have, when it comes to Life and Death?"

"We're friends, we have tea with Life, and she babysits Gothy when we need to do certain things. Actually.. I think that she's still taking pictures, when I go to Reapertale, the Gods still flee from me." Geno said, making a face.

"So... Your Timeline doesn't have a Yandere Life... And you can make Gods flee, from you?"

"Yandere life?" Geno dryly said. "And it's easy."

And then, he smiled.

Gen shivered, and he nodded his head. That smile scared him. "Yeah... She's a Yandere... She wanted the Reaper from another timeline... But she got Reaps.. And I don't understand why Fire calls her 'Chaos Reaper'."

"Chaos? Did Fire really call her Chaos?" Geno asked, as his smile faded, and he had a strange look in his eyelight.

Gen nodded his head. "Yeah... She called her Chaos... But she said that she was incomplete..."

"Have.. you ever heard of Admins?" Geno asked suddenly, and he smiled down at Goth, who looked like he was ready to take a nap.

"No..." Gen shook his head. "I haven't..."

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