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Okay, this is Reaper's second visit to the Multiverse in "Soulless no Longer" by MistraltheSkelegirl, but Fate erased the first visit, from this story... But she didn't erase it from Inky's story...

But this time, Fate let Reaper come here, to visit Vita, the Life from Inky's Multiverse...


Vita hummed, walking through her garden, looking at the various plants. She smiled at her special flowers, that she had worked with Death to make. She was so happy that they were thriving in the dark spot they were at, hidden in the trees, and glowing faintly.

As she was walking through the garden, she heard.... squeaking? She frowned and she followed the sound.

"Here... Here..." Fire whispered, through the wind.

Vita followed the noise until she came upon an unexpected sight.

Tangled in vines, and hanging upside down by a foot, was a tiny skeleton, the ends of the robe that they were wearing was covering their skull, and their legs were covered in black bandages, that looked like pants, with blue lines that shifted in forever moving designs, and soft shoes.

A Seed dropped from a tree, on Vita's head, as if saying 'Hurry up!'

Vita yelped. That was Reaper! She quickly moved the vines to bring the small skeleton down, cradling her in her arms. "Child, wake up!"

"Chaos Reaper, you're safe for now..." Fire whispered.

Vita carried her to her home, a rather comfortable looking cabin.

"Vita?" Reaper mumbled.

"Hello Child." Vita said softly, setting her down on a soft couch.

Reaper smiled at Vita.

"Missed you."

"And I missed you as well, little one.... though, it appears as if you've been hurt!" Vita said, looking at the bandages.

Reaper whimpered, and she nodded her head. "My Life... She... She cursed my legs... It hurts to walk... Where's Gen... Where's my Geno... He was with me, when we fell down a hole, when he was carrying me, after he saved me, when my Life kidnapped me."

Vita looked at her in horror, looking at her legs.

"Geno is busy..." Fire giggled.

A few Multiverses away, Baby Goth tried to wake up an unconscious Geno, while his mother facepalmed.

"I don't know, Child.... I'll see what I can do for your legs, to, at least, make it less painful to walk."

"Someone else gave the bandages, and the shoes, to me, but that was all that they could do, before they had to leave... And they help, a lot..."

Vita hummed, running her hands over her legs.

She found recently healed breaks, that had been healed by two different Magic users.

The first one felt like her, but it was twisted, corrupted... wrong.

The second one was kinder, and it matched the Magical signature on the bandages. It was inexperienced, but it had clearly done what it could, to make Reaper feel better.

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