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Percy POV

In the hospital wing, thousands of people wanted me to answer their questions, so I just lied and told them I needed to rest.

Madam Pomfrey let just Annabeth and my parents into the room.

Poseidon told them what had happened.

Every now and then, my mom hugged me or Annabeth squeezed my hand.

A few moments later, Harry came with Dumbledore, Mrs. Weasley, Ron, Hermione and a black dog.

'Molly, please listen to me for a moment. Harry has been through a terrible ordeal tonight. He has just had to relive it for me. What he needs now is sleep, and peace, and quiet. If he would like you all to stay with him,' he added, looking around at Ron, Hermione and the black dog, 'you may do so. But I do not want you questioning him until he is ready to answer, and certainly not this evening.' he looked at me 'the same as you, Percy,'

Harry had gone to sleep, and I wanted to do the same, so I asked my parents to get out of the room.

Annabeth POV

I was relieved when Percy's parents left the room. Don't get me wrong, I love Sally, but I felt like they were watching every move I made towards Percy.

He was pretty tired, so we decided to talk in the next morning.

We woke up with the sound of two people yelling at each other.

'Im sorry, Percy, dear, Professor Dumbledore and Fudge are discussing about...' Molly was interrupted by the voice of the Minister of Magic calling the Headmaster crazy.

Fudge turned to Percy and Harry.

'Your winnings,' he said shortly, taking a large bag of gold out of his pocket, and dropping in the bedside table between the two beds where Harry and Percy were. 'One thousand Galleons. There should have been a presentation ceremony, but in the circumstances ...'

A second later, he was gone.

Percy looked at Harry 'I don't need it. I'm not an actual wizard, so why would I want it?'

'I don't need it neither,' Harry said.

'Let's give it to the Diggory's later,'

Harry nodded in agreement.

Dumbledore made sure that the door was closed, and that Madam Pomfrey's footsteps had died away, before he spoke again.

'And now,' he said, 'it is time for two of our number to recognise each other for what they are. Sirius ... if you could resume your usual form.'

The black dog looked up at Dumbledore, then, in an instant, turned back into a man.

Mrs Weasley screamed and leapt back from the bed.

'Sirius Black!' she shrieked, pointing at him.

'Mum, shut up!' Ron yelled. 'It's OK!'

Percy and I looked at each other.

'Im sorry... may I ask who Sirius Black is?' I asked.

The man smiled, as if it was a long time that he didnt get asked that.

'Im supposed to be a criminal, but Im innocent' and then he proceed to tell us his story.

He left the room in dog form.

The rest of the day Percy and I just walked through the grounds.

It wasn't such a big deal for him because he has gone through worst, but we were still worried about Coeus. He was the one who told the school what happened.


I was scared of the demigods, and obviously his parents. I of course went to apologise to Poseidon and Percy and the rest of the demigods.

'Yeah, it's no biggie. We get that a lot,' Jason said smiling.

'I just don't want you as an enemy, that's all,' I explained them.

'Nah, you are not our enemy unless you want to kill us,' Leo said nonchalantly.

'Oh. What will happen to you?' I asked.

'What do you mean about that?' Hazel asked.

'Well, You-Know-Who is back,' I said.

They looked a each other. 'I don't know. Depends on what Hecate decides, or Dumbledore, or the Oracle,' Percy said a bit annoyed about continuing the quest.

'Well, we have a whole summer not to worry about this bullshit, right?' Annabeth said.

Percy smiled. 'Right,'

Thank you for reading! This kept me so entretened during quarantine!

Do you think I should write a second story?

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