Chapter Eleven

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I held my breath. Maybe I still had a chance. Impulsively, I tried to open the door further to attempt my escape. However, the minute I tugged on the cool, metal handle, a large, veiny hand snaked around me to slam the door shut. I turned my body fully around, tear drops already streaming down my cheeks, as I quickly realized the full intensity of my mistake. I desperately prayed he wouldn't punish me for this, but the expression painted onto his face said otherwise. He was pissed.

Alec grabbed me by my throat, cutting off my air supply, whilst digging his nails so far into my neck it began to bleed.

"Don't ever try to leave again. Got it."


"Ever again Cassandra."

"Okay" I whispered before wetting my puffy lips, the salty taste of teardrops pungent on my tongue.

Alec then slowly tilted his head to the side, a gesture I was already too familiar with, before whispering in my ear;

"You're so scared of me, that you would do anything I say, wouldn't you?" Amusement laced his voice, as a sinister grin crept onto his face. I still couldn't breathe, let alone talk but I wasn't going to let him win this.

"No." I chocked out.

"Oh but you are. You're shaking like a leaf, your teary eyes are practically bulging out of your skull, I can even feel your rapid pulse...Obviously you're terrified of me and that's why you just stupidly agreed to never try and escape." He laughed before tightening the lock he had on my neck. I started gasping for air, clawing at his hand, trying everything in my power to get him to stop, yet nothing worked.

"Stop." I coughed out.

Instead of letting go, he applied even more pressure till I started to feel my limbs go numb, the stars previously circling my head, slowly morphing into darkness.


"Sorry what was that?" He loosened his grip, a wide chesire grin prominent on his face.

"I'm..I'm scared of you." I finally gave in, to which he loosened his grip even more.

"Enough to do anything I want?"

"Yes. Just let go, I can't breathe"

He smirked at my desperation, before doing the most unspeakable action. He tilted my head to the side examining where I was bleeding before dragging his warm tongue along my bloody neck. A shiver ran down my spine, and suddenly I had an urge to vomit.

"Your insane." I squeaked out.

"Your just figuring that out now? come on let's go back to bed."

I followed silently behind him with my head down, dreadful to spend the next six hours in bed with this psychopath. After we had settled in, he wrapped an arm around me, his head nestling into the crank of my neck, breathing in my scent, an action that disgusted me. I stared numbly at the wall not even trying to get out of his hold...what's the point. I felt a few tear drops stream down my face despite feeling utterly numb.

The next morning:

The sun finally shined through the small crack separating the grey curtains, allowing a slant of light to trickle in and slightly brighten the shadowy interior.

I hadn't slept a wink. I felt I was now living a real life horror movie. I always thought my childhood, my parents...would be that incredibly bad thing that haunted me. But this was a new level of messed up. I had spent the past 5 hours pondering over what I could've possibly done to deserve this.

"Good morning beautiful"

I didn't respond, instead I looked straight into the unsympathetic eyes belonging to the gatekeeper of hell, before turning my attention back to the wall.

"I have to go to work today so you and Jessie can get to know each other while I'm gone. Come on, let's have breakfast before I go" Ace firmly stated, to fill the silence on my end.
By now i've come to the realization, there's no point in being stubborn, so I got up walking right in front of him and out the door.

We ate breakfast in silence. His intense stare on me the entire time. I simply looked down, ignoring him. I had barely touched my eggs or toast. I wasn't very hungry. He raised a brow to this but didn't say anything. I think he sensed the energy around us was tense enough, maybe he didn't want me to completely despise him by saying something or punishing me. I rolled my eyes at just the thought.

Finally after what felt like an eternity, we finished breakfast, well, more him than me And he left for me work. Even though Jessie wasn't Ace, and seemed equally as confused about the whole situation. I was not looking forward to "spending time" with him so I just went upstairs. Crawled into bed, and tried to go to sleep.

(Aces pov)

As I entered the warehouse I was less then impressed with the speed of our operation. I walked past my men packaging coke, and the countless hookers who looked hungover hanging around here for what fucking reason? I was too stressed to say anything though, so I headed straight to my office to do some work.
I was interrupted by one of my newest associates, Bryce, he was a young kid about 17, unfortunately like me, born into this lifestyle.

"Hey Boss, some chick named Carla is here to see you"

"Fuck" I mumbled back "k send her in"

I really wasn't in the mood to be harassed by her, but I also knew how hard she was to deal with. She would probably only leave if it was coming from me.

"Hey baby, look about the other night. It's fine. How about some make up sex to make it up to me?" She slurred, obviously drunk.

"Carla, I completely forgot I contacted you after that, can you remind me of when I spoke to you and said I wanted to see you again? Because I sure as hell don't remember saying that."

"Um well no I- I guess not...but you were in the wrong so I just thought-"

"Thought that my silence was an invitation to bother me at work because your such a fucking desperate slut, that you can't seem to take a hint?"

"I didn't think-"

"Yes I know. You didn't think about the possibility that you "casually intruding" could actually be a huge interruption wasting precious time of both me and my employee's. You didn't THINK about if I was really interested in seeing you again or not. YOU DIDN'T THINK about my reputation and what my men might think of some lousy ass hooker walking in here on a Monday afternoon. Well since obviously you can't think, I'll be clear, come by here again and I will blow your fucking brains out."

She stared at me eyes wide and her mouth hanging open as if I just shot her stupid puppy "lulu", right in front of her.

"Where do you get off-"

Before she could finish her sentence I pulled out the gun I kept beneath my desk and shot her straight in the head. Dark crimson blood was splattered all over my office. Though killing her left me with a mess, I'd rather get someone to clean up her body than have to hear her annoying voice ever again.

(Authors note: No, don't worry, this is NOT going to be a vampire story. Alec's just messed up)

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