For real

227 11 1

I take out my book and put earbuds back in.  Two hours later Wen calls and says she ready to meet up.  Good, I am so hungry. I grab my stuff. Crap this is not my jacket! I open it and even has his name embroidered in it. That's so cute! Too bad I only saw his hair and eyes.  He looked cute but who know under that mask? He could have crazy teeth or no teeth.  Ha, ha! I laughed to myself. I walk over to Wen.

" So how was it?" Me

" So amazing! They are so handsome up close and polite. I got to see my bias... he is so hot in real life."  Wen

" Good for you , honey! I meet a guy who works for them outside a couple of hours ago. He was really nice and I let him Listen to some English music" me

" Really? What does he do? Security?" Wen

" Maybe... His name was Kim Nam-Joon" me

"What! No way! He had to has to be messin' with you." Wen

" I guess ... maybe... why? Do You know that name?" Me

" Wait.." Wen held up her phone " Is this him?"

" Could be his hair is different but that looks like him but I only saw here up" motioning my hand from my eyes up " but he was tall"

" This is crazy" Wen "  Here maybe this is a better picture"  she show me a whole bunch of guys

" Hey! I know these other guys! Those two were  in the gym that day and that's the guy with the farting dog" me

" Come on! Really? So you met RM , Jimin, V and Jungkook of BTS?!" Wen

I show her the hoodie with his name in it. She takes it and her eyes get wide. She smells it.

" I guess? I met them... did you just smell that?!" Me

"What is happening? And they live in our building! Above us! This is insane! I need to sit down!" Wen

" Let's go to the bench I sat down on earlier" me

I lead her there and she sits down with a happy, crazy look in her eyes.

" I think I love my dad more then before" Wen

She starts to cry happy tears" Just wow!"

As we sit there  black van pulls away from around the back of the building. It slows down and the window rolls down.

"Hey" I look up to see one of the guys from the gym.

" Hi"  me

" Namjoon said he has your hoodie but he is keeping it !" Jimin

" Stop it! Why would you say that! "  Namjoon slaps his arm.

" Well I know where you live" me

" "Funny. Yes you do!" Jimin  " We talked after the fan sign and realized you must be the same girl  V and Jungkook saw too"

" Yep. My name is Lee Mae"

" I am Park Jimin. Well we have to go before we are seen" Jimin

" See ya at home?" Me

He laughs " I hope so! Bye!"

"Bye-bye" I wave.

" That just happened ! Pinch me!" Wen

" No that's mean!" Me

" We have to tell Ji. Let's tell her in person when we get home. Home. I think I will never move now." Wen

We decide to pick to pick up KFC on the way home. We park and see the same van we saw earlier.

" I guess they really live here." Wen " I thought it was all older people and we were the youngest. I wonder who else lives here? Maybe so cool young CEO or k drama actors.?"

" I guess only time will tell" me

The van doors open and  three guys walk out. They are the not BTS members we met earlier. So we just keep walking to the elevator. Wen is trying not to stare but I know she must know who these guys are. We make it to the elevators and get in.  These guys are handsome. This building must be full of cuteness!

" I smell chicken" one of them says.

" So hungry " say another

" I was going to cook but maybe we can order out"

" Sorry about the chicken smell." I say to them

Wen is slightly star stuck but she is good about not acting too fan girl.

" Are you new to the building?" One asks

" Yes we moved here just this week" me

The guy with the blond hair notices the back of my shirt.

" Were  you at the fan sign today because I don't remember seeing you?" Blond guy

" No but my friend here was " me

" That shirt is an interesting choice" he says his eyes are laughing

" Nice to meet you. I am Moon Wen Po
and this is my roommate Lee Mae "

" Hi , Kim Seok-Jin "

" Hello, J-Hope"


We reach our floor  I wave bye. I walk to our apartment but Wen is skipping and dancing.

" I am sweating. This is the best day of my life" Wen

" My goodness , you little fan girl. So cute Wen!" Me

We get inside and Ji is playing some game on the PlayStation. She doesn't even look up.

" Guess what Ji?" Wen

" You be bought home dinner?"Ji

"Yes but no" Wen

She tell the whole story about her fan sign event. Then she tell how I met a guy and turns about to be BTS . Then she tells how we saw the some guys I had seen around the building and that they are BTS too. She shows Ji a picture of the BTS. Ji listens with a surprised face.

" Well you had a very good day Wen. And those guys are hot, smoking hot" Ji

" Can we eat?" Me

" Yes. Let's eat outside it is nice out" Wen

" I will grab some beer" Ji

" Yes" Wen and I say at the same time.

We eat and relax. We hear the slider open up from the floor above . Wen cocks her head to the side and puts her pointer finger to her mouth in a hush.

" What do you want to do tonight? No early day tomorrow! We have the next two day off."

" Drink and play games?"

" Wow! How original!"

" It's not we can go places and not be recognized"

" True"

" Hey!" I open my big mouth. " It's Lee Mae"

" Yes? Wait you live below us?"

" We do! Do you want to hang out tonight?" Me

Wen looks at me wide eyed and Ji gives me the thumbs up.

" Who is we?"

" Wen who you met with me and my other roommate Moon JI Ah."

" Maybe . Let me ask the guys"

Couple of minutes later we here the door open again.

" Sounds fun, you ladies need us to bring anything?"

" We have some beer and some soju. Maybe snacks?" Ji

" Oh we have a PlayStation 4 so any games? " Wen

" We have a switch we can bring that to"

" So how about 30 minutes?" Me

" Sure see you soon"

The Boys above meOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz