Stay the night

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"I just can't help myself when I am with you. I want to be romantic with you but I also want to rip your clothes off. This is a feeling I am not used to. It is overwhelming!" Namjoon

"Aww... that's so sweet" me

We lay in his bed looking at each other. We hear the door to his apartment open and the boys are talking loudly.

"Namjoon are you here?" Jin

There is a knock at his bedroom door. We both giggle.

" Yes? Who is it?" Namjoon
" Jimin"
"Jungkook "
"J-Hope "

We both look at each other. He smiles and shakes his head. I shrug . I hide under the covers.

" Come in?" Namjoon

"Hmmm.... smells different in here.." Jimin is smelling the air

"Whose bra is that?" V

" Are you experimenting?" J-hope

"No judgement " Jin put his hands up

" Alright guys" I pull the sheet of me

" I knew it!" Jungkook

" Stop. It's none of you business what I do in my room. Your all just jealous..." Namjoon

"Yes . We are all absolutely fucking jealous" Suga

"Aww...Suga" I wink at him

" Hey . I am right here!" Namjoon

Jimin grabs my bra and puts it on.

" What the hell Jimin?!" Namjoon

" I have never seen a bra this big!" Jimin

" Have you ever seen a bra?" Jungkook slaps Jimin on the back

" Shut up!" Jimin

" Can you give my bra back? Please?" Me

He takes it off and smells it. He is such a pervert. He places it on the bed.

" Give is some privacy... get out..." Namjoon point at the door

" Bye Mae" J hope

"Good night Mae" V

" Good night guys " Mae

" I will have my ear to the door all night!" Jimin

" What is wrong with you? Go watch a porn!" Jungkook

"I have seen them all.." Jimin.

"Gross!" Jin

" Go talk somewhere else.." Namjoon

They all leave.

" Do you have any peace?" Me

" Not really but I am so used to it. If it quiet it is eerie.." Namjoon

" How long have you lived together? " Me

" Suga and me since 2013 ... everyone else came after that" Namjoon

" Wow! That's a very long time!" Me

"It has gone fast these last couple of years.
We become popular and always working time goes so quick" Namjoon

" So dating is hard?" Me

" Really I just haven't had time.. we are rarely around women besides other celebrities.. their are pretty ones but none that I saw myself making time for. Then I met you and knew I must have been waiting for you" Namjoon

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