Bye Ava

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" So Ava leaves tomorrow, than the boys leave for a week. It's going to be so quiet " Ji

" Wow. Your right. Time has gone so quick. I can't believe our dream of going to school here is coming true" Ji

" We worked hard, Ji. We deserve our dreams to come true!"Me

We eat and do dishes. I go to my room to read my employee handbook. It has a note attached from Namjoon.

I highlighted what pertains to you. Please read carefully there is a test your first day, essay form 100 questions.

What! I better get to reading. I read a couple of pages. Then another note.

Just kidding! You'll do great!
💜 Namjoon

That brat! Wait till I see him...

Wen and Ji come to my room " You want to get some candy!"

" Yes!" Me

We go to 7-11 and I buy some chocolate and some fruit candy. We head home. Ava comes home minutes later. She looks like she's been crying. Oh, no...

" What's wrong?" Me

" V told me that this is not something he can continue right now..." Ava

" Wow! That sucks!" Ji

" Ouch!" Wen

" I wasn't done... continue right now as in this week coming up. They are in silence. But after next week we will see where this goes long distance " Ava

" Aww... good!" Me

" Why are you crying?" Wen

" Happy but sad. I don't want to leave but happy to keep things going with V." Ava

We walk over to hug her.

" I will miss you girls too. You really have a great relationship with the boys. You get to know them as real people. It's so special.." Ava

We all look at each other and smile. We go to bed. We all have to be up early. Ji and Wen decided to go for the drive to the airport this time.

We get up and eat quickly. We are putting on our shoes and our doorbell rings. Ava opens the door. V walks in and hugs her.

" I will miss you" V

Ava just holds him.

" Call me when you land safely" V

" I will. I will see you soon" Ava

He kisses her cheek and walks us to the garage. He waves at her as we drive away.

" That was sweet, Ava" Wen

" I can't talk right now" Ava is a little teary eyed

I hold her hand and pull her head to my shoulder. We don't talk much on the way there.

" Mae, sorry. I am overwhelmed. I love you. Thank you for having me" Ava

" Anytime. You can move here." Me

"'Trust me I have been thinking of plan to do just that." Ava

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