Dinner planning

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I sit at the table with a coffee on the balcony. I start to write a grocery list.

Sweet potatoes
Red onion
Balsamic vinegar

Ji comes out with a coffee. She sits beside me and looks at my list.

" Seems good. Are you making apple pie?" Ji

"Yep. Very American huh?" Me

She nods.

" Hey... so about Jimin. He might be your match" me

" Why!" Ji

" He likes to be spanked. I know your tastes, unfortunately. Still can't get those images out of my head" I make a face and shuttered

" Well I told you not to come home early.." Ji

" My big, huge mistake! But if he is ok with the bi thing he might fun for you?" Me

She fold her hands together "Very"

Wen come out to us with her tea. " What you taking about?"

"Planning tomorrow dinner and Jimin is a masochist. Normal stuff!" Me

Wen gives Ji a high five. We both know of our sweet, innocent lookin Ji Preferences

"Show me your grocery list!" Wen holds her hand out. I hand it to her.

" I know where when can shop for ingredients" Wen

" Is Ava taking a cab here?" Ji

" I figured I could take the bus and then ride back with her in a cab" me

" That's a good idea, you can talk on the way back and catch up" Wen

" Are you going to tell her about Namjoon?" Ji

" I did already , that he is the guy I am dating" me

Wen and Ji look at each other and smile.

" You know what I mean ... who he is?" Ji

" All that matters to me is that he makes me happy and I do the same for him" me

"Ok ... let's go grab lunch!" Ji

I texted Namjoon before we leave.

I am going grocery shopping - me

Good timing I am eating lunch . I will be late tonight filming- Namjoon

Ok have fun!- me

We grab a street food lunch. Then head to the grocery shop. We find all the ingredients into stores. Better than I thought. We get home and I start to marinade the steak. Wen watches. Wen and Ji Play a video game.

I start planning tutoring lesson plans. Yes, I am a planner. I forgot to ask if the trainees are girls or boys or both? I was so overwhelmed with the whole secrecy thing.I checked my email. I have a dress code of wearing all back to work. I didn't go to the gym today and I am losing focus. I decide to go. I change into all black and put my hair in a ponytail. I waved bye to the girls.

I open the gym and see Mr. red trunks from the other day. I hold back my disgust. I walk to treadmill. He stares at me. I put in my earbuds and start the machine. I'm about 20 minutes into my running when he gets on the machine beside me. I side eye him and continue. He waves at me. I nod back. He starts talking to me. I take out my earbuds.

" What I couldn't hear you?" Me

" I want you to know that the other day I felt really bad about looking you up and down. I was not myself" him

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